I will try my best to speak my mind in english... first of all... happy birthday to my girl again~ and happy two month anniversary~ so happy to stuck with you all the time~ xDD I wrote a song... hope Crazimals will use it...T.T
We still need a Drummer... If you guys know a friend wanna play band... just let us know... thank you so much...
why so hard to find a drummer in HK... Damn...
我只是一個有感覺, 有感情, 有情緒, 會嫉妒, 會生氣, 會笑, 會發瘋, 會失控的人... 就是這麼簡單... 我只是一個愛胡思亂想, 愛唱歌的人~~xDDDD (這會更簡單吧~~xDDDDD) I was the Vocalist of Survivor, Crazimals and K'