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【#電影節發燒友 ?】從 #博羅夫茲克 的百變鏡頭看夫妻玄妙關係 ??

超現實動畫長片《#卡巴先生夫人劇院》與古典唯美的《#白蘭琪男爵夫人》看似南轅北轍,細望卻隱現微妙對照: . 家有惡妻的卡巴先生屢以望遠鏡偷窺現實世界的性感女郎,鑽進太太身軀尋找擾攘的蝴蝶;古堡男爵夫人白蘭琪顛倒眾生,引來狂蜂浪蝶,更招來殺身之禍。 . 夫妻關係複雜奧妙,在波蘭鬼才博羅夫茲克的幻變鏡頭下,帶出不同角度的反思。 . 【#CineFan ?】Highs and lows of married life under Borowczyk’s kaleidoscope ?? . The grotesque animated world of THEATRE OF MR. AND MRS. KABAL and the medieval poetry of #BLANCHE paradoxically share a common theme: the highs and lows of married life. . In surreal fantasy the diminutive Mr. Kabal struggles against his domineering wife, while in staid drama the beau...Read more

almost 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

【#電影節發燒友 ?】《洞》:以詩意寫實鑿破人心黑洞 , 被梅維爾譽為史上最偉大電影之一,《#洞》的詩意寫實臻近完美,既因改編自真人真事,由當年主腦演回自己,更是來自積葵貝克二戰時期被囚個人經歷,並在原著La Sante 監獄起用真正囚犯實景拍攝。 . 貝克巨細無遺重構現實,一個四分鐘長鏡頭凝視囚犯一錘錘鑿穿監獄地洞,令觀眾猶如置身籠牢感同身受,體驗箇中艱辛挫折,更領略人心的無底黑暗。 . 【#CineFan ?】LE TROU: a realistic statement about the fallacy of humanism . LE TROU sees poetic realism at its best – it’s based on real-life events (featuring the real participant, Jean Keraudy, to play himself); it also owes to Jacques Becker’s own experience being imprisoned during WWII, and his insistence of shooting at La Sante Prison. . A four-minute long take on the ...Read more

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【#電影節發燒友 ?】《放浪記》: 反照男強女弱的浮世繪 . 《#放浪記》是林芙美子飽受漂泊流離感情失落,仍獨立自強的人生經歷;是高峰秀子破格將萎靡與清高融為一體,盡現頑強意志的精湛演繹;更是 #成瀨巳喜男 以冷眼看荒謬世情,對男性懦弱粗暴與束手無策的批判。 . 香港中文大學日本研究學系邱淑婷教授將於11月30日的映後講座,窺探成瀨以至日本戰後到當下電影對男性及作家的描寫及其社會意義。 .

【#CineFan ?】HER LONELY LANE: Mirroring woman’s tenacity in a patriarchal society . HER LONELY LANE is the autobiography of Hayashi Fumiko, who found her voice in writing about the sordid turmoil of real life; it’s the compelling portrayal of the famous novelist by Takamine Hideko who injects life and blood into the tenacious character; it’s also the celebrated work ...Read more

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【#電影節發燒友 ?】玩轉電影類型:波蘭斯基的「精神分裂」 . 「 #波蘭斯基 是鬼才,能在類型與反類型片之間出入自如,而玩出新意。」影評人朗天在11月4日《#唐人街》的映後談,讚揚波蘭斯基以彩色菲林拍出比film noir更黑色的電影?,不單批判資本主義的官商勾結,更暴露荷里活電影王國的腐敗。 . 人性陰暗心理在《#冷血驚魂》同樣被他玩得出神入化,在幽閉密室的絕望處境中製造詭異、驚慄與恐懼,創出獨一無二的個人風格✨。 . 【#CineFan ?】Roman Polanski: Breaking down film genre and human psyche . “Roman Polanski is a maverick director – constructing and yet reinvigorating the film noir genre, his films are unerringly innovative, and full of fun,” said critic Long Tin in the post-screening talk of #CHINATOWN on Nov 4. . A film noir in color, this restored classic is a critique o...Read more

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【#電影節發燒友 ?】《原罪犯》:揭露人心的暴力美學 . 是上帝造物弄人,抑或人類自招滅亡??#朴贊旭「#復仇三部曲」之二,影帝 #崔岷植 爆炸而内斂的演技,與凌厲影像、戲劇張力及殘酷現實碰撞成驚艷奇觀,震撼國際,摘下康城影展評審團大獎,史派克李更翻拍成同名電影。 . 《#原罪犯》的強大力量不但在於肉慾、變態、血腥、暴力的感官刺激,更是將人心陰暗徹底曝露的沉重與衝擊?。 . 【#CineFan ?】OLDBOY: A brutal revelation of human heart . Is it God’s punishment, or man’s self-destruction ?? Park Chan-wook’s visceral #OLDBOY that shocked world cinema is more than a strange, powerful tale of revenge?. Bloody violence, erotic sex and perversion go beyond sensual excitement to make a statement – in film critic Roger Ebert’s words: "a powerful film not because...Read more

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【#電影節發燒友】逃獄好戲,盡在大館! . 置身前監獄觀看逃獄電影,絕對是前所未有的體驗!今個12月,Cine Fan 在大館呈獻六部逃獄經典,讓你在法國電影大師的詩意寫實鏡頭下,設身處地感受鐵窗滋味,並與 #史提夫麥昆、#保羅紐曼 等一齊超越囚牢,追尋自由!?? . 【#CineFan】Prison break classics in Tai Kwun ! . An unprecedented experience to watch prison break films at the former Victoria Prison! This December, Cine Fan offers you a rare opportunity to see 6 prison classics at 大館 Tai Kwun – inside the wall sharing the pain of confinement and the joy of breaking free with Steve McQueen and Paul Newman. Let’s run! For freedom! ?? . 【鐵窗之外:自由的幻象 Beyond the Wall: The Phantom of Liberty 】: 《#死囚逃生記》(設...Read more

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【#電影節發燒友 ?】《#蕩婦姬黛》40年代當紅「愛神??」- 烈打希和芙 . 「這就是姬黛 ?!美艷絕倫 ✨、致命性感……女人的所有武器,盡用於愛情,也用於復仇!」 除了是男性慾望投射的對象,#烈打希和芙 的內蘊,更值得我們發掘?。 . 【#CineFan ?】#GILDA: Rita Hayworth – “The Love Goddess??” of the 40s . “This is Gilda ?! Beautiful ✨, Deadly...using all a woman’s weapons, in love, and for revenge!” Beyond an icon for male fantasies, Rita Hayworth has more inner beauty for us to explore in GILDA. ? . 【修復經典 Restored Classics】: 《蕩婦姬黛》| Gilda | 2/12 & 16/12: ?立即購票 Buy Ticket Now: http://bit.ly/2OzBUxr . ?11/12月節目詳情 Programme: Read more

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【#電影節發燒友 ?】《願妻如薔薇》?:《嫲煩家族3》向成瀨致敬 . 大師向大師致敬── #山田洋次 新作港譯《 #嫲煩家族3 》(今年HKIFF閉幕電影),日文片名「願妻如薔薇」正是 #成瀨巳喜男 1935年的名作。兩片將不同世代女性的千種心事,同樣刻劃得絲絲入扣。 . 香港大學比較文學系講師羅玉華博士將於11月16日《#願妻如薔薇》的映後講座,從兩性關係、城鄉聯想和日常細節等方面,看成瀨處理女性自主故事的敏感觸覺。 . 【#CineFan ?】WIFE! BE LIKE A ROSE! ? - Yamada’s tribute to Naruse . Paying tribute to Naruse Mikio’s WIFE! BE LIKE A ROSE!, veteran director Yamada Yoji’s latest film WHAT A WONDERFUL FAMILY! 3: MY WIFE, MY LIFE (HKIFF’s closing film this year) adopts the same Japanese title, sharing the master’s knack of subtle humor as well as sobering revelations about fa...Read more

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【#電影節發燒友 ?】 怪誕詭異vs古典唯美:哪種才是博羅夫茲克的風格?? . 答案:都是。變幻莫測,正是波蘭怪傑 #博羅夫茲克 的風格。動畫長片《#卡巴先生夫人劇院》將超現實奇想鑲嵌於精密佈局中,詭譎創意與超凡技藝令泰利基咸拜服,啟發踎低噴飯的顛覆鬧劇。 . 《#白蘭琪男爵夫人》則恍如一幅會動的中世紀油畫,雕琢裝飾、優美攝影、香消玉殞的悲劇,盡現古典美學精髓,情色滲進骨子裡,令人情迷意亂。博羅夫茲克的才情,豈只侷限於情色電影? . 【#CineFan ?】Borowczyk: A surrealist, or a classic artist?? . The answer is: both. Walerian Borowczyk has proved to the world his ingenuity and artistry in multifaceted styles – surrealistic fantasy and dark humor in the grotesque animated world of THEATRE OF MR. AND MRS. KABAL; medieval beauty and visual poetry in the tragic story of BLANCHE – the legen...Read more

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【#電影節發燒友 ?】 演技變色龍 - 積尼高遜 . 美國殿堂級演員 #積尼高遜 演技精湛無庸置疑,最為人熟悉的包括三奪奧斯卡小金人?的《#飛越瘋人院》、《#貓屎先生》及《#常在我心間》等。他亦憑《#唐人街》榮獲1975年金球獎最佳男主角?。 . 這層次複雜的偵探角色令他特別難忘,更於1990年推出自導自演的《唐人街續集》。 #波蘭斯基 的反類型黑色電影經典修復後再現銀幕,影迷萬勿錯過?! . 【#CineFan ? 】One of the greatest actors of all time - Jack Nicholson . Jack Nicholson has one of the most impressive acting careers in Hollywood, famed for his Oscar-winning performances in ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST, AS GOOD AS IT GETS and TERMS OF ENDEARMENT. CHINATOWN added to his remarkable portfolio a Golden Globe Awards for Best Actor in 1975. . He came to ...Read more

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