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【#電影節發燒友 會訊】昨晚是我們一年一度的Cine Fan聖誕PARTY, 大家都玩得盡興!? 下次活動再見!? . ?由即日起入會/續會,即送電影節發燒友一、二月節目換票證兩張,先到先得,送完即止! 立即加入電影節發燒友2019會員計劃: bit.ly/cinefan2019 . 【#CineFan News】Thank you for joining our Cine Fan Christmas Party yesterday and every one enjoyed it!? See you next time! ? . ?Join HKIFF Cine Fan 2019 Privilege Scheme NOW and GET 2 ticket vouchers for Cine Fan Jan/Feb Programmes screenings! bit.ly/cinefan2019 . 【? 即將放映 Upcoming Screenings ?✨】 《亂雲》(放映+講座) | Scattered Clouds | 14/12 | 19:30: ?立即購票 Buy Ticket Now: http://bit.ly/2P9...Read more

almost 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

【#電影節發燒友 ?】波蘭怪傑:創意無疆,異鄕爆發 . 兩位被迫流亡海外的波蘭怪傑,在「異鄉」盡情爆發創作力,交出石破天驚的傑作:#史高林莫斯基 在倫敦定居後,乘着「搖擺六十年代」的自由解放風潮,拍攝出引人入「性」的巔峰作《#浴室春情》;

素羅斯基 在《#銀色星球》重建文明與宗教,可惜拍攝被腰斬、佈景道具被毀,十年後回國才補遺完成,傷痕纍纍反成就顛覆詭譎的史詩式奇片。

. 【#CineFan ?】Polish Mavericks: Creativity thrives on the foreign land of liberty . Creativity of Polish mavericks strikingly thrives in the foreign land of liberty. During his exile in England, Skolimowski delivered one of his finest films – DEEP END, which reveals the emptiness of sexual decadence and illuminates the darker edges of the “Swinging Sixties”. Despite ...Read more

almost 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

【#CineFan 會員福利】? 送《#綠簿旅友》優先場戲飛兩張!?? . ?參加方法: (1) 讚好及分享此Post(請設定為公開) (2) 在此Post以留言方式tag一位朋友 (3) Click入 https://goo.gl/forms/yDVzannv3IjzYUrm2 填寫資料及回答一條簡單問題 - 截止時間:12月13日(四)下午6時 - 得獎者將於12月14日(五)或之前收到Facebook訊息通知 - 未加入Cine Fan? 立即申請:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/privilege-scheme/ - 現於網上入會或續會,並於Cine Fan聖誕派對(9.12.2018 | 6:30-8:30pm | 香港藝術中心)現場領取會員證,或於現場即時入會或續會的會員,可獲贈多一張電影節發燒友換票證,即共3張! - 如有任何爭議,香港國際電影節協會保留最終決定權 . ? 《綠簿旅友》電影介紹: 真...Read more

almost 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

【#電影節發燒友 ?】今個星期日,Cine Fan 聖誕派對約定你!?? . 今個星期日冷鋒殺到❄️,最佳避寒方法當然係去熱爆嘅Cine Fan聖誕派對啦!? 當日現場入會或續會,可獲額外一、二月節目換票證乙張(即總共三張),到時仲有免費小食同飲品,歡迎會員參加!? 早點到,仲可以睇埋 #保羅紐曼 主演的《#逃獄金剛》,一舉兩得!記得着夠衫呀! . 日期:9/12/2018 (日) 時間:6:30pm–8:30pm 地點:香港藝術中心 . 【#CineFan ?】Join us at the Cine Fan Christmas Party this Sunday! ?? . It’s this Sunday! When the cold front arrives ❄️, you can still feel the warmth at the Cine Fan Christmas Party ? which will bring you special offers - Join/Renew on-the-spot and get ONE EXTRA Cine Fan Jan/Feb Programme Ticket (i.e. Three in total). Free drinks and snacks will al...Read more

almost 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

【#電影節發燒友 ?】一、二月節目今日開售!??? . 時代變,道德標準也有不同?且看 #伊力盧馬 的「六個道德故事」;不變的,是經典的歷久常新,也是戲夢的緣起不滅。

? 「懷念 #黃愛玲」特輯:值她離世一周年,選映十部她喜愛的電影,包括《#小城之春》、《#禁忌》、《#浮草》 ? 銀幕再現:《#幕後玩家》、《#失憶大道》──揭露荷里活黑幕 門票今日開始發售。把握時間搶飛 ?,別讓好戲溜走! . 【#CineFan ?】Jan/Feb Programmes Ticket Sales Start Today! ??? . Time changes, so as moral standards? Revisit Eric Rohmer’s Six Moral Tales to find your own answers. What remain unchanged are the timelessness of classics, and our love of cinema.
? “In Memory of Wong Ain-ling” section – a selection of ten films cherished by the acclaimed film critic on the anniver...Read more

almost 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

【#電影節發燒友 ?】尚雷諾亞與積葵貝克:道破人性幻象 . 種族、階級及文化隔閡,造成了戰爭;獄警和俘虜、德法貴族、敵兵與農婦之間,卻存在真誠互信──#尚雷諾亞 的《#大幻影》,戳破戰爭虛妄、宣揚人道主義;電影曾險成戰爭犧牲品,終成為影史上最偉大的反戰經典之一。

積葵貝克 的《#洞》裏,五名囚犯協力鑿洞挖通地道,卻未能同心齊齊越獄,映照出人性的曲折幽深,逃得出四面銅牆,卻逃不出內心囚籠。

. 【#CineFan ?】Jean Renoir and Jacques Becker: Exposing the Phantom of Humanity . One of cinema's most profound anti-war statements, Jean Renoir’s GRAND ILLUSION (the film itself nearly became a casualty of WWII) exposes the brutality and absurdity of war, while imbued with a passionate belief in man’s humanity to man. LE TROU, Jacques Becker’s final wo...Read more

almost 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

【#電影節發燒友 ?】Cine Fan全新形象,於一、二月節目隆重登場!? . 2019年,Cine Fan 將以嶄新形象登場!一、二月節目不單增添「黃金時代」新環節,節目小冊子更是全新設計,保證令你耳目一新。 . 率先預告其中精彩節目: ? #伊力盧馬:廣受稱譽的「六個道德故事」 ? 「黃金時代」新環節:一歐一美兩部殿堂級荷里活經典《#紅樓金粉》及《#銀色私生活》 尚有其他專輯及傑作,請密切留意,別忘了取本下期節目小冊子! . 【搶先預覽】? 一、二月節目節目訂票手冊 http://bit.ly/2zFd7z8 . 【#CineFan ?】Brand new image of Cine Fan, unveiled in Jan/Feb Programmes! ? . Cine Fan will greet you with a brand new image in 2019 – besides adding a new section of “The Golden Age”, the booking brochure will also have a fresh outlook! . Here are a few high...Read more

almost 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

【#電影節發燒友 ?】《女人踏上樓梯時》: 步進女性的心靈空間 ❤️

只消一條樓梯(紐約著名影評人菲力普洛佩特形容猶如一部「垂直的跑步機」),看高峰秀子每一踏步輕重徐疾有致,#成瀨巳喜男 展現了夜店媽媽生從職場空間到私人空間的情感迴蕩,怎不教人佩服得五體投地? 12月7日的映後講座,影評人馮嘉琪將論述「空間」在成瀨電影中的角色,並看他如何通過細緻、含蓄的空間調度、對立,將電影語言與情節緊緊扣連。 . 【#CineFan ?】WHEN A WOMAN ASCENDS THE STAIRS: Descending into a woman’s heart of space ❤️

“The stairs in the title are both literal and symbolic, conveying the idea that Keiko is on a Sisyphean vertical treadmill, trying to get somewhere in this life as a woman on her own,” New York film critic Phillip Lopate’s comments best describe Naruse Mikio’s ingen...Read more

almost 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

【#電影節發燒友 ?】《死神的呼喚》:培根扭曲人像的轉世重生 . 精於以影像和音效寓意撼人心魄的波蘭怪傑 #史高林莫斯基,在《#死神的呼喚》前衛音樂家的工作室裏,掛上培根三幅扭曲人像?,巧妙呈現三個主角的畸零病態: 「四肢行走的癱瘓孩子」代表音樂家在工作和婚姻方面無能為力;「斜倚裸女」指其妻子墜入陌生訪客的誘惑;「主教頭像VI」象徵自稱懂土著巫術的神秘男子,能以吶喊置人於死地。畫作增添電影的詭異氛圍,超現實魅惑更引人入勝。 . 【#CineFan ?】THE SHOUT: Reincarnation of Bacon’s paintings . A master of metaphor through sound and image, #Skolimowski skillfully connects his characters to the three paintings of Francis Bacon (hung in the musician’s studio) ?: Paralytic Child Walking on All Fours is the composer, crippled as an artist and as a husband; Reclining Nude is his wife, fallin...Read more

almost 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

【#電影節發燒友 ?】姬黛vs烈打;法斯塔夫vs威爾斯:真我是誰??

銀幕上的姬黛美艷熱情,是男人夢想對象;銀幕下的 #烈打希和芙 卻腼腆羞怯,#奧遜威爾斯 娶得美人歸,卻離婚收場。


《#蕩婦姬黛》與《#午夜鐘聲》都是一場人生賭局?:前者賭愛,後者賭義。到頭來,是真愛必勝,抑或背信棄義才是王道? . 【#CineFan ?】Gilda vs Rita Hayworth; Falstaff vs Orson Welles – Who’s who? ?

At odds with the sheer sensuality of #Gilda that makes her the idol of male fantasies, the demure Rita Hayworth ends up in a divorce with “the great love of her life" - Orson Welles.

While in FALSTAFF: CHIMES AT MIDNIGHT, the vain and mercurial S...Read more

almost 6 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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