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【#電影節發燒友 ?】《洞》:以詩意寫實鑿破人心黑洞 , 被梅維爾譽為史上最偉大電影之一,《#洞》的詩意寫實臻近完美,既因改編自真人真事,由當年主腦演回自己,更是來自積葵貝克二戰時期被囚個人經歷,並在原著La Sante 監獄起用真正囚犯實景拍攝。 . 貝克巨細無遺重構現實,一個四分鐘長鏡頭凝視囚犯一錘錘鑿穿監獄地洞,令觀眾猶如置身籠牢感同身受,體驗箇中艱辛挫折,更領略人心的無底黑暗。 . 【#CineFan ?】LE TROU: a realistic statement about the fallacy of humanism . LE TROU sees poetic realism at its best – it’s based on real-life events (featuring the real participant, Jean Keraudy, to play himself); it also owes to Jacques Becker’s own experience being imprisoned during WWII, and his insistence of shooting at La Sante Prison. . A four-minute long take on the digging of a hole through the cement prison cell floor highlights the realities of the frustratingly arduous task, drawing the viewers into a different kind of empathetic perspective. . ?1960 康城影展競賽片 Cannes Film Festival, In Competition ?1961 法國影評人協會最佳電影 French Syndicate of Cinema Critics, Best Film . 《洞》| LE TROU | 1/12 | 19:00 ?立即購票 Buy Ticket Now: http://bit.ly/2Qs5YZa . 【? 即將放映 Upcoming Screenings ?✨】 《放浪記》(放映+講座) | 30/11 | 19:30 Her Lonely Lane: http://bit.ly/2O4TSZ5 《卡巴先生夫人劇院》| 1/12 | 14:30 : Theatre of Mr. and Mrs. Kabal: http://bit.ly/2zPZZI0 《白蘭琪男爵夫人》| 1/12 | 16:30 : Blanche: http://bit.ly/2xZHOhR


Cinefan 電影節發燒友: http://cinefan.com.hk/

HKIFF #香港國際電影節: http://www.hkiff.org.hk/

HKIFF43: 18 Mar - 1 Apr 2019

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Hong Kong International Film Festival

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March 18, 2009