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【#電影節發燒友 ?】《死神的呼喚》:培根扭曲人像的轉世重生 . 精於以影像和音效寓意撼人心魄的波蘭怪傑 #史高林莫斯基,在《#死神的呼喚》前衛音樂家的工作室裏,掛上培根三幅扭曲人像?,巧妙呈現三個主角的畸零病態: 「四肢行走的癱瘓孩子」代表音樂家在工作和婚姻方面無能為力;「斜倚裸女」指其妻子墜入陌生訪客的誘惑;「主教頭像VI」象徵自稱懂土著巫術的神秘男子,能以吶喊置人於死地。畫作增添電影的詭異氛圍,超現實魅惑更引人入勝。 . 【#CineFan ?】THE SHOUT: Reincarnation of Bacon’s paintings . A master of metaphor through sound and image, #Skolimowski skillfully connects his characters to the three paintings of Francis Bacon (hung in the musician’s studio) ?: Paralytic Child Walking on All Fours is the composer, crippled as an artist and as a husband; Reclining Nude is his wife, falling for the charm of the visitor; Head VI is the mysterious stranger who claims to have the power to perform a shout that can kill – the “feeling of absurdity” complements the surreal sense of the film.

? 1978 康城影展評審團大獎 Cannes Film Festival, Grand Prize of the Jury . ??【逆流怪傑:波蘭獨立一百年】 合辦單位:波蘭駐香港總領事館 Co-presenter of【Marvelous Four: 100 Years of Polish Independence】: Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Hong Kong . 《死神的呼喚》| The Shout | 2/12 | 15:00 : ?立即購票 Buy Ticket Now: http://bit.ly/2ID2QqH . ?11/12月節目詳情 Programme: https://bit.ly/2P7x6fB . 【? 即將放映 Upcoming Screenings ?✨】 《放浪記》(放映+講座) | Her Lonely Lane | 30/11 | 19:30: http://bit.ly/2O4TSZ5 《卡巴先生夫人劇院》| Theatre of Mr. and Mrs. Kabal | 1/12 | 14:30 : http://bit.ly/2zPZZI0 《白蘭琪男爵夫人》| Blanche | 1/12 | 16:30: http://bit.ly/2xZHOhR


Cinefan 電影節發燒友: http://cinefan.com.hk/

HKIFF #香港國際電影節: http://www.hkiff.org.hk/

HKIFF43: 18 Mar - 1 Apr 2019

JerzySkolimowski #PolishDirector #FrancisBacon #TheShout

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March 18, 2009