Official Artist
David Lee
Fashion / Costume Designer , Photographer
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Opportunity for any COOL ideas/product/service

The ground floor of our new concept store is pretty much done, the only thing I still haven't decided is what to do with our 1/F space. It's about 250sq.ft. and overlooks both the front and back of the shop groundfloor. To reach this space you have to walk outside into our wooden decked area which will have planters with greenery to make into nice relaxing seating area before going up the steel stairs. Its a really nice space with lots of potential, was thinking about a tattoo studio, cafe, private function area etc. But still nothing decided????

Any ideas for this space????

Anyone with some cool stuff/service/business that want to join and partner with G-TOX????

Feel free to offer your ideas or proposals! A cool shop looking for a cool 1/F service/product/function/partner???

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
Robertwolfshead f1 mountains
Hey my friend , that is an incredible opportunity , I would love to be involved with my prints, merch etc but I am not sure how I could do it living in France lol !
almost 16 years ago
Photo 214991
Wow some VERY interesting ideas!!! Actually played with the Cafe idea for a while, non smelly foods, and yes also good to get in the non-usual suspects as Miss S mentioned....very important to try and attract more/different people to come in! But, after checking very unlikely to be able get a license for this :( Different events/shows/products every now and then could be interesting!? Other street sports could also be good!? If an event then DJ could be cool!? Tattoo is cool but way to many tattoo studio's already on this street! Wow... so much food for thought!!!???
almost 16 years ago
Robertwolfshead f1 mountains
Ok my thoughts are subdue or color the general overhead lighting together with spotlights ,hang art on the wall , which gets rotated regularily , open call to artists , your chance to have your work on our walls, be it trad canvas work or boards etc , also have you got wall space for the spray painting crowd ? A Dj / band comes in to the venue and they create their work whilst kick ass music is being played , also if there are in house artists as it were they could customize gear on site ? Just a few thoughts :)
about 13 years ago


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September 8, 2008