David Lee
时装/服装设计, 摄影师
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Cool words from ADIDAS!!!

Just got an email from one of our fans, its an copy of a recent interview done by MEDIA Magazine about Retail Marketing. They interviewed 2 experts, one being John Gearing - Director of Retail Branding - ADIDAS Asia Pacific.

Following on from the question "Can in-store marketing really be creative?" was "What's the best example you've seen?"


"Polo Ralph Lauren in Harajuku, Tokyo, for store design. HMV generally does a good job in driving purchases with in-store communications and offers. Also, a small brand I came across recently in Hong Kong called G-TOX does an excellent job in communicating the brand and consumer offers in a tiny space."

When I read this I was well stoked!!! The fact that amongst the masses and masses of brands on the market in the whole Asia Pacific, we're one of the 3 brands he recognises and mentions. I was so exstatic because for a small new brand to be outstanding enough to be mentioned by such an industry expert is a real honour and priviledge!!!

I guess we are doing something right, a small company playing with the big boys in the industry and making our mark! Yes we're small, but its about Quality NOT Quantity!!!

16 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares
Photo 324626
That is totally the way to go. Congrats. Seriously.
16 年多 ago
Paulinec 1a img 1269
Many more moments like this to come!! makes it more worth it! congrats
16 年多 ago
Photo 48700
I second that guy. the P.O.A in your shop is awesome! If only all companies had such amazing taste. I for one, would be a much richer man. haha but seriously excellent work D. Always believed in your abilities!
16 年多 ago


Life is about find Meaning! Without Meaning it is just another passing existence! To find Meaning we have to continually strive to Learn, the day we stop Learni


english, cantonese
Hong Kong
September 8, 2008