Is a shame for those news about entertainers recently. I am not judging any show biz's people's life style or behaviour( for i have no right to do that ), I am talking about those people who dare to do things for them-selves just to get their own satisfaction and not care about other people's life and dignity. My heart was hurt and torn apart when i heard anyone else make jokes of these news and victims(artists). Some people said: they are be responsible for what they have done exspeacially when you are a celebrity.....BalaBalaBala..... Yes, but this case is absolutely different.., this is their Own Private Time/moment, Non public at all! And there are some people stolen someone else property and just explod them to the whole world for their own SICK ..!!! I feel angry but also disappointed to those who are not using God's given brain & heart and quickly put judgment to those artists and their integrities. So Friends, Heroes, Suger Club's family , if / when you receive these photos in your e-mail, PLEASE DELETE THEM immediately !! If you know some friends are forwarding these pictures to others, PLEASE ASK THEM NOT TO DO THAT. No matter where you from, what color of your skin are, we are all the same. We have Emotions and we need Dinity.
Life is full of stories, colors, music and movies.