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Mongkok Streetball

Last night we went up to Mongkok to attend a fundraiser event for the Sichuan earthquake.  It was a hastily organized Charity Basketball Game featuring members of the 'AND1' streetball team against a team from Hong Kong.   

I'm not really up on my ' Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares

Indy 4

FRESH: 6/10  6/10


Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)


| Entry | Caught 'Indy 4' the other night. After Eric watched a preview last weekend and I read Olivier's blog about it, I had tempered expectations. Also I was one of those guys who was thinking that Harrison Ford...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares

Wakeboarding w/ Eddie and Conroy

The day after the anniversary Party Eddie emailed me about a chance to go wake boarding on the South Side of HK island.   


He was going to be filmed for an upcoming TV special, he had booked a motorboat and wanted some company.  テレビ番組為にビデオを撮らなければなりません。

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over 16 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares


Just back from my quick trip to San Francisco. I actually didn't take very many pictures this trip.  So few in fact that I'm going to do it all in ONE BLOG! :-P


The day after I landed Eric set up a dinner in Emeryville w/ some friends. I should have taken more pictures, the only ones I did seem to involve Spawn-of-Eric:

<...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares

pre-party mini-tour

Actually one more anniversary party related blog I forgot to post.  I typed this up on the airplane actually.

Things were quite hectic the week before the party,  between the videos, DVDs, boards, banners, stickers, press releases, sponsors, etc... 

Unfortunately the party also happened to be a good reason to come visit so I had to play host to some friends coming to HK from overseas.    Regular Etchy blog readers will know that I like to make an effort to show my international friends around HK as much as possible...  Bu...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  20 comments  0 shares

Red Bull Street Battles 2008

On May 3rd a big group of us went to check out Redbull's 2008 Street Battles Dance Competition held up in Mongkok.   三週末前僕達はレドブールのブレークダンサバットールイベントを参加した。モングコークでした。とても楽しかった。

Yes, alivenotdead.com was an official media sponsor, which means we get to be in the graffiti wall! :-D<...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

wow, what a summer for movies!

They're running commercials for the new Ed Norton Hulk movie on TV in the US now...  it comes out in like two weeks... Iron Man just came out a few weeks ago --- so Marvel's doing two big films in the same summer? (maybe they've got modest expectations on the Hulk after the last one...)

also Indy 4 comes out this weekend here. Unfortunately I'm flying back to asia on Thursday, but because of the time change, I'll be too late for opening night in HK.  [Anyone want to see it with me over the weekend?]...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares

Michael Wong show

Three weekends ago (so long ago!) Michael Wong did a show called 'Our Home' at the Culture Center.  It was a bit of a strange set up actually,  the first half featured Japanese singer Yuki Daikohara and separately an erhu maestro Ray Wong.  The second half was Michael and his big band (btw - their CD...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

Madonna Party...

Somebody organized a party to promote the release of Madonna's new CD. 


Ryan and his wife were there... 


but Madonna was no where to be seen. :-P


The name of the album is 'H...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares


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