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Wakeboarding w/ Eddie and Conroy

The day after the anniversary Party Eddie emailed me about a chance to go wake boarding on the South Side of HK island.   


He was going to be filmed for an upcoming TV special, he had booked a motorboat and wanted some company.  テレビ番組為にビデオを撮らなければなりません。

In addition to the camera crew, Conroy, Terence, Mark and I joined the party. テレンスとコンロィとマークと一緒行った。

Mark's pictures are here.

The weather was absolutely perfect too,  not too hot but not cold at all. 天気がとてもよかった!

Long time Etchy blog readers will remember I tried wakeboarding for the first time last September.  I was eager to try again, so I brought my swimsuit and gave it a second try.  去年は初めウエイクボードしてみた、楽しかったから、僕はとてもも一度してみたい。

I was actually quite embarrassed after Eddie went though, he is actually quite a skilled wakeboarder... 実は大けど、Eddieはとても上手!写真見て!

I tried to take some action shots:

Eddie getting air!


I tried some rapid fire shots on my camera too:

(actually there are more clear ones in the video below!)

Conroy also joined in on the fun and he and Eddie both demonstrated some 'Wakesurfing' which is something i hadn't seen before,  basically you ride a mini surfboard right in the wake of the boat,  once you get in the right spot, you don't even need a rope ( wikipedia). コンロイ君はウェイクサルフイングもした、一寸違う:

They use a much shorter rope. Once the boat is up to speed you stop pulling on the rope and if you're really good you cast it aside and ride along completely unattached to the boat.

Here's Conroy going solo...


I assure you, this was staged purely for the sake of the photo, no beer was consumed...


As for me:

I was mostly worried about getting sunburned...  僕はあまり。。。

I compiled a video,  you can see flying Eddie (and sinking Etchy) in action.... ビデオ見て下さい:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBdbL8EiUFQ

16 年多 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares
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not so much fun the first 10 times when i couldn't get out of the water, but fun the two times i went more than 5 feet...
16 年多 ago


I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!


Hong Kong
April 13, 2007