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Just back from my quick trip to San Francisco. I actually didn't take very many pictures this trip.  So few in fact that I'm going to do it all in ONE BLOG! :-P


The day after I landed Eric set up a dinner in Emeryville w/ some friends. I should have taken more pictures, the only ones I did seem to involve Spawn-of-Eric:

Betty stops by to say hi.

Daddy says "no fries for you!"


On Monday I stopped by my old stomping grounds, the Berkeley Campus for a meeting.

月曜日朝僕の出身校へ行った、バークレー 大学です:

Same old view this direction. ここから景色がまだ同じだ。。

But I turned around and was shocked to see this thing: でも後ろに新ビルが在る!

Holy crap, when did they build this? 何時建った?

The Chang-Lin Tien Centers for East Asian Studies. 

新 田長霖東アシア学ビル。実は僕は学生時、 田長霖が一寸知っている、何回会った。

Having met Tien ( 田長霖) a number of times over the years and knowing one of his sons, I'm happy to see them honor him with a building... also as a proud product of the East Asian Languages classes,  I'm glad to see my Alma Mater get a nice new facility.

They're still putting in some of the furniture upstairs, but its a pretty nice design (I like the inside more than the outside actually).

And then on Tuesday with some help from XibanyaE, I paid a visit to San Jose State University. 僕はシバナヤイイと一緒サンノゼ大学へ行った:

Not too shabby... but every time I saw signs for the sports teams ('The Spartans'), I kept thinking about the 'Spartan Squad' cheerleader sketch that Will Ferrel used to do on SNL....

Before I packed up my bags, I made a run to the stores in Emeryville.  Not having a car, I had to go the old fashion way,  by foot...  

After living in HK for almost 2 years, I can't help but feel that everywhere else in the world is so dangerously underpopulated! 香港より人少な過ぎ!

America is so HIROI!

アメリカとても 広いところよ!

You'll never run out of soup to try...


On the way to the airport I stopped in the city and passed by SF City Hall:


And then met up w/ Kevin for dinner...

The flamboyant waiter with the strange hand movements was the most endearing thing about this place...  sheesheerestaurants are not for me! :-P


16 年多 前 0 赞s  12 评论s  0 shares
Photo 41044
Ok, that looks very good. Ahhhh hungry...
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
amy- if it makes you feel better, it wasn't good. :-P
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yes, if only i remembered to take a picture...
16 年多 ago


I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!


Hong Kong
April 13, 2007