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Hong Kong's ATV used my JasonMraz video in the news last night! (but took off my watermark!)

Local TV network ATV used my footage from Jason Mraz's performance at MUSIC MATTERS last Friday in their news cast last night.  (score!)

You can watch it here:

http://app2.hkatv.com/v3/webtv/play.php?video_id=83296 (jump to the 9:00 mark)

The reporter didask for permission, which I was happy to give. But as you can see, the editors obscured my URL water mark (note, next time put the water mark in the middle!)

At least the could have thrown me a bone and put a 'video courtesy of Etchy'  graphic at the end!  ;-)

Anyway, see the whole video (watermark included) here:


or better yet,  read the blog and see the pictures TOO:


over 14 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
You should have insisted that they use it WITH the mark. ETCHY lives on!!!
over 14 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Desmond - I actually offered to send them the original video files, but they used it straight off of youtube (the quality of Youtube is good enough now that you can....)
over 14 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
joanne - i think its par for the course... some news outlets here blur out the logos on the microphones of other channels in group interviews (where they have like 20 mics stuck together at the podium)
over 14 years ago


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