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Hennessy Artistry...pt 1 - Until June!

Hey guys,  just got back from Shanghai this evening.  I got a ton of pics from Andrew's event on Friday night, but it'll have to wait...   in the meanwhile, here's some pics from last Tuesday night's Hennessy Artistry event,  which as you may have heard,  occurred in the middle of HK being battered by a Typhoon.  ( click here to read my blog about trying to get home after the show!) 

They had a concert featuring several Asian and Western artists, including: Shayne Ward, Until June, Joanna Wang and MC Jin.  I prepared videos the days after the show, but i didn't get a chance to upload them before.  I'll break it up into a few pieces over the next two days or so for the sake of my sleep schedule though. ;-)

先週火曜日は 台風に在ったけど、ヘンネシーのイベントが有った。面白イベントだった、湾チャイで四人芸能人は演じた。始めたDJが居た、その後、アメリカからのバンド「Until June」台上居た。僕の写真とビデオを見て下さい!

They did the concert at the old convention and exhibition center in Wanchai.  They had a big stage at one end w/ screens, two big bars serving free Hennessy and almost every wall decorated with giant comic book-style panel art of the performing artists:

I thought it was pretty cool!  Kudos to the hosts for trying something new and interesting.

Also spotted this HK celebrity stopping to pose w/ two attractive Hennessy PR girls  ( the opportunity was not extended to me... unfortunately). :-P

The first artist was a DJ named Tom Price.  I didn't take any pictures of him (sorry Tom Price),  after about 30 minutes the first band came out.   They're named ' Until June'...

I hadn't heard of them before, but apparently they did some song that was on Grey's Anatomy (which i don't watch).   They were actually pretty good. Its basically 3 guys - drummer, guitarist and keyboard/vocalist.  Somewhat strange was the fact that the guitarist (who also sang backup vocals) was free to roam the stage:

while the singer had to sit stationary at his keyboard....  but thats ok, he makes up for it with wild head swinging:

i noticed he only swung to the right though...   

Of course I took video too.  Here's two clips.  In one they're playing a NEW SONG named 'What Went Wrong':

Video: http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=xplmSanjj2c And finally before leaving the stage, they did another first for them - a bit of classic Teresa Tang song '月亮代表我的心' (Yueliang Daibao Wodi Xin)

Video: http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=fxtmbYRiDlU I can't sing very well at all, but i think i can sing in chinese better... ;-)

Coming next - Joanna Wang

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