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Hawaii - pt 5b - Hanauma Bay = Turtles!

Yet another Hawaii nature blog! Photo and video wise, this may be the best ever... its all down hill after this one, so enjoy! これは多分僕の一番上手したのブログです!ここからそなの上手も一度ぜんぜんできませんよ!

On Monday we went to Hanauma Bay ( wikipedia), a few miles east of Honolulu in Oahu.

Its a circular bay formed by a volcanic eruption ten thousand plus years ago ( google map satellite view).  Now its a giant coral reef with lots of sealife.  Since its mostly pretty shallow, its easy to just snorkel around and see a lot of interesting stuff up close!  (as much as I like scuba,  snorkeling is a lot cheaper and easier!) ;-)


You can see how shallow it is and how much coral there is on the bottom.  Actually the stuff close to the beach is not too lively because of too many people walking on them,  the better stuff was out towards the ocean end. 綺麗ですか?

They force you to watch an environmental video in order to be able to enter,  it was educational. :-P

Wow how's that view!? 綺麗ですよ!

Luckily it wasn't too crowded on a Monday afternoon. 月曜日から、人一杯じゃない。

I brought my underwater camera of course,  Here are some of my pictures.  This time I tried to do some color correction in photoshop before posting them.  So the colors may be a bit exaggerated compared to what you can really see, especially for the deeper stuff. もちろんカメラと防浸ケースを持て行った!写真とビデオ一杯撮った。魚の写真撮ってしてみた:

Let's start with some of the exotic fish... I can't ID them all but:

I think the one on the left is a Orangespine Unicornfish...

the one on the left is a Reef Triggerfish.

  Another Moorish Idol!  this one had a super long fin, which means its younger than the one i saw the day before I think... すごい!フィン長いですね!若いですから。。。

And last but not least, a huge school of butterflyfish! this one was even bigger than the one i saw while scuba diving the day before. there must have been thousands of these things!


The variety of fish was cool,  but as i mentioned before, fish can be pretty hard to get a good photo of.  Besides, you can mostly see them in aquariums,  i wanted to see something a little bit cooler.... I was lucky and happened to see a lot of sea turtles too. 


Check out my video!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qtax9EX-9ms I'm quite happy with the way it turned out,  i think my underwater videography skills are improving.  Also i think its easier to shoot while snorkeling. ;-)

上手で撮った?:-D 前の水下のビデオより良かったと思います!

Here are some of the turtle stills I took.  Most of these turtles were not that big, only about 18-24 inches.  A lot smaller than the giant ones I saw while scuba diving the day before. 亀の写真です。今回前回のスキューバより小さいけど、もと近いから、晴れく見えます。。。

  I was able to keep up with this one for a while and get a few good close-ups. 亀は速い泳ぎますよ!尾行難い!

I followed this one around for quite a while as he aimlessly wandered around in circles....

until he found something to do:

  I was quite lucky to capture this on film! A rare turtle fight!  the aggressive one found another turtle in a nook under a rock and chased it out and started biting at its flippers til it swam away.

(take a look at the video above if you haven't already to see video of the turtle fight)


This one was a bit bigger:

The image filtering I did makes the patterns on their backs more striking than they were in real life (while underwater at least), but still they were pretty cool looking.

I had a lot more luck seeing these turtles than most of the other guys (i think I must have spotted like 6-7 at least).  Finally towards the end I managed to get one of underwater Stephen and a smaller turtle... 全部6-7匹を見た!Lucky!

I'm really happy I made it out here and was able to take the guys... (even though they didn't get as excited by the sea life as me) :-P Swang君と亀一緒な写真!

Rock on Hanauma Bay!


almost 17 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
Photo 33405
awesome underwater pics, esp the turtle ones. swimming with turtles... what an experience! i love it too!
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
aoi-san: 祖ですね!とても楽しかった!でもその亀速く泳ぎますよ!
almost 17 years ago
Photo 31454
aw shit that's beautiful!
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
almost 17 years ago


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