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Good Ridance to Mitt!

it truly is a Happy Chinese New Years,  I just came home to find Mitt Romney on TV announcing his withdrawal from the Republican primary race.  Finally!   I won't have to listen to this huge phony giving his idiotic speeches:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTq8CWYCtVw This one is even funnier:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yR3LMXWGDX4

The thought that this bozo was at one point a national front runner for one of the party's nominations was amazing to me...    I'm glad to know his deep pockets weren't able to win himself the nomination (he spent $76 million in 2007 alone!) ... 

Its not just the cliched speeches,  I have plenty of issues with his Mormon faith,  but my personal bias aside, he just came off so fake with his attempt to court the conservative voters and casting himself as a 'true conservative' after formerly being a pro-choice governor of Massachusetts...  I don't like the 'Christian Right' very much, but at least enough of them were smart enough to see through this attempt to repackage himself and Mormonism as something its not.

But I think the point when he really 'jumped the shark' for me was during one of those early republican debates when he gave the knee jerk pandering statement: " We need to Double Guantanamo". (And not that I want to encourage you guys to choose McCain,  but compare his answer to Guliani's and Romney's...)

Anyway,  now no matter what happens on the democratic side, at least we don't have to worry about the right wing nut jobs controlling the white house for the next four years...

PS - its funny to see all the Fox news guys who were pulling for him (ie spinning for him) the last few weeks finally come clean and admit that he was a phony...

16 年多 前 0 赞s  13 评论s  0 shares
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renren: ha, i'm glad to know i'm not the only one. :-P
16 年多 ago
Photo 22998
I think having McCain be the nominee for republicans was the plan the entire time by the entire force of their power. He's the only one who would remotely stand a chance. The fascinating thing is to see that Republicans want him to face off against Hilary and not Obama because I think they are more afraid of Obama than Hilary. You can see this very clearly time and time again as they continue to say "who will face hilary" when her winning is far from a foregone conclusion.
16 年多 ago


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Hong Kong
April 13, 2007