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4th Anniversary Party at the HK Jockey Club - Week 3

It took a two week delay thanks to the Typhoon, but we finally finished off our 4th Anniversary celebration at the HK Jockey Club on Wednesday night!   the first two weeks were a big success, so I was pretty confident we would have a good night, especially with the solid performers we had lined up.

What I didn't expect was the size of the crowd!

They told me by the 3rd race there were over 18,000 people there. :-O

(its because this was the season closer for Happy Valley, so I guess even more people come than normal.... also the weather was slightly more bearable than the previous weeks...)

Not all 18k were here for our stuff, but as you can see,  a lot of people down here in the beer garden too!  

This was while Shotgun Politics was rocking the stage. Great job guys!

Desmond doing his thing on stage.  I hate to say it, but this week's 'racing tips' guys were much more interesting than the previous weeks,  maybe because they kept it shorter. ;-)

Return visit from week 1 performer Ryan Hui!

We had live art jamming again this week,  I didn't get a chance to watch it as much as the previous weeks',  but we still had some talented guys -

Jonathan Jay Lee showing the tricks of the trade.  He sketched it out small, then blew it up and transferred the image in the same proportions to the board.  each artists have their own approach,  very interesting! ;-)

As we had our event postponed, we had to combine our program with what the Jockey Club already had planned this week, which was to have Dear Jane perform their song 'Rising Star' which was written for the Jockey Club.

Special guest Rabee'a Yeung

Actually she just came to see Dear Jane...not for us!  :-(

I think its a bit cruel to make guys wear these costumes in this July heat... but  hopefully they have a fan inside those heads... :-P

rEpReSeNtIn' yo! ;-)

All the way from Taiwan via Beijing... Nadia in the house!

Our final musical guests of the night,  Adrian Da Silva and guitar master Eugene Pao!

Not sure what Adrian's doing... but it looks like he's enjoying himself immensely! :-P

actually they brought along this scruffy looking guy... is he one of those 'Betting Uncles' who you see every Wednesday trying to gamble their way into riches?

No, its actually Jun Kung, surprise musical guest!    (and wearer of awesome hats!)

Thanks Jun for coming down and making this event an even bigger success!

By the time this came around,  the beer garden was PAACCKKKEDDD!    Good music is good music!

Two new alivenotdead.com fans!

People were asking why we didn't do a cake for the anniversary at the previous two nights... well in part because the focus was supposed to be on the music more than the anniversary part... and also because we had to do THREE events...     since we had some extra time to prepare for this one, and because it was the 3rd and final event,  we had a cake made:

Maybe next year I'll do a special blog with pictures of all the previous annviersary cakes....  this was probably our most ambitious since the first year's...  actually I asked them to make it smaller since we almost never eat more than like 10% of the cake....  (its mostly just a prop for the photo op!)    this time except for some I got on my hand while cutting it,  we didn't eat any... we gave it to the Jockey Club staff to split up... hopefully they enjoyed it! ;-)

Photo op time.  Unfortunately Ryan couldn't stay for the end!    I noted that Adrian actually sang happy birthday at our first anniversary party, so its fitting he was here for #4.

Thumbs up everyone! (or four fingers for 4 years) ;-)

nice basket Jun!   ...and sorry for blocking your face Desmond! :-O

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Hong Kong
April 13, 2007