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4th Anniversary Party at the HK Jockey Club - Week 1

I'm a week behind, I know, but cut me some slack!  I'm a busy guy! :-P

Here's a few of my pics from the first week of events we did at Jockey Club (last last Wednesday, June 8th).

To see ALLL the pics from the official photographer, go here -


Set up & Sound Check -

Hong Kong Jockey Club's Happy Valley Racecourse is actually more like a stadium.  We were occupying the open space on one end.  Total the place can fit about 16,000 people.

Tonick doing their soundcheck with the high rises of Causeway Bay behind him.

Jockey Club security enjoying the free show. :-P

Ryan doing his soundcheck.

Group pic before the gates open.

I didn't snap a lot during the night because we had Chungdha Lam working as official photographer and also because I was running around a lot,  here's a few I did get:

Reni getting an early start on his painting. 

(see the whole process here - http://www.alivenotdead.com/reniwong/Chase-for-your-golden-carrot-profile-1262585.html )

Down at the other end of the course they parade the horses around before the race so people can make last minute surveys of who's the best to bet on...  we're not allowed to play music during this period, lest we spook the horses. :-P

A few of our special guests.... including Hiro Hayama, here with Wayii and Banry.

Gloria Wong along with Cupid.

Getting the most attention was Race and Rosanne Wong.  Thanks so much to both of them for coming down, especially Rosanne.  This is her first AnD event since she had her baby! ;-)

Be sure to check out Race's blog from the event here -


Last but not least -

Surprise visit by Michael Wong at the end of the night.  He even put some money down on a horse in the last race...

who didn't win. :-(

Anyway,  we just did week 2 last night.  I'll upload those pics soon, I promise! :-P

over 13 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Photo 553278
causeway bay,where I stayed in hong kong...will have to put up some pics. looks like a great day Etchy
over 13 years ago
Photo 553278
tres cool..
over 13 years ago
Photo 553278
fantastic shot
over 13 years ago
Elena dd unset 18
WOHO<,, the hourse look at the camera!!
over 13 years ago
Elena dd unset 18
over 13 years ago
Photo 80548
Ryan!!!! :-)
over 13 years ago


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