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Different Image For The Valley | 不同風格的跑馬地 | 不同风格的跑马地

I am a little embarrassed to acknowledge that this is my first time in the Happy Valley Racecourse during a horse race. Been here for ten years now and I've been there many times to dine but never seen a horse in the racecourse! Lol.

Last weekend, I headed towards the Happy Valley Racecourse  for alivenotdead's 4th anniversary party. Oh god to my surprise, there were thousands of people there, the horses were running, people were cheering I was astonished ! And while walking to the destination, I hear the music bursting above the cheering. Man, this is indeed an extraordinary crossover! Not just horse lovers but music lovers and rockers are all here packed together, enjoying a sizzling hot summer night![](/attachments/2011/06/14/17/38019_201106141731226.thumb.jpg)When I arrived , it was Ryan rocking the stage. For a split second, I wonder if all the horses will all come running towards us.

Btw, it was the first time Rozy abandoned her baby for her dancing shoes. It was a wild night out, everything there was unexpected and the best part was we got to hang out with the AnD guys. If anyone reading this feels left out, no worries, cuz there are two more shows coming out on the 15th and 22nd this month.

Tip: don't wear too much clothing.Check out more pictures from the event at -

我有點不好意思地承認,這是我第一次去賽馬中的跑馬地馬場。在這裡已經十年了,我去過那裡很多次,但從未見過馬在馬場的跑道上 !哈哈。Lol.

上週末,我去了跑馬地馬場作ALIVENOTDEAD的的四週年晚會。哦,上帝給我的驚喜,我很驚訝這裡有成千上萬的人在那裡,馬在跑,人在歡呼!當我步行到目的地時,我聽到音樂聲加上歡呼聲。人來說,這的確是一個非凡的交叉!不只是馬的愛好者,音樂愛好者和搖滾樂隊都擠在一起,享受著滾燙的夏天的夜晚!當我到達時,這是[許懷欣](http://www.alivenotdead.com/ryanhui) [](http://www.alivenotdead.com/ryanhui) 搖滾舞台中。一瞬間,我以為所有的馬匹都向我們跑來。

順便說一下,這是第一次Rozy遺棄她的孩子為她的舞蹈鞋。這是一個瘋狂的夜晚,一切意想不到 和最好的部分是我們終於看到AnD他們的 傢伙。如果有人讀到此感到 失落,沒有必要擔心, 因為有兩天在這個月15日和22日。

提示:不要穿太多衣服。查看更多照片在 - http://www.alivenotdead.com/alivenotdead/alivenotdead-com-4th-Anniversary-Celebration-Week-1-profile-1263366.html | 我有点不好意思地承认,这是我第一次去赛马中的跑马地马场。在这裡已经十年了,我去过那裡很多次,但从未见过马在马场的跑道上 !哈哈。Lol.

上週末,我去了跑马地马场作ALIVENOTDEAD的的四週年晚会。哦,上帝给我的惊喜,我很惊讶这裡有成千上万的人在那裡,马在跑,人在欢呼!当我步行到目的地时,我听到音乐声加上欢呼声。人来说,这的确是一个非凡的交叉!不只是马的爱好者,音乐爱好者和摇滚乐队都挤在一起,享受着滚烫的夏天的夜晚!当我到达时,这是[许怀欣](http://www.alivenotdead.com/ryanhui) [](http://www.alivenotdead.com/ryanhui) 摇滚舞台中。一瞬间,我以为所有的马匹都向我们跑来。

顺便说一下,这是第一次Rozy遗弃她的孩子为她的舞蹈鞋。这是一个疯狂的夜晚,一切意想不到 和最好的部分是我们终于看到AnD他们的 傢伙。如果有人读到此感到 失落,没有必要担心, 因为有两天在这个月15日和22日。

提示:不要穿太多衣服。查看更多照片在 - http://www.alivenotdead.com/alivenotdead/alivenotdead-com-4th-Anniversary-Celebration-Week-1-profile-1263366.html

13 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
thanks for your support guys!!!
13 年多 ago
Ryanhui 26 ryanhui
Great seeing you guys there. Luckily we didn't scare the horses that bad..haha.
13 年多 ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Nice picture and nice additional red flares.
13 年多 ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
nice touches on those pictures. Made the shots much more interesting.
13 年多 ago



Hong Kong
September 11, 2007