Official Artist
D.Y. Sao
Actor , Sports , Food Critic
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Jet Li vs. Dolph. Gee who will win?

Jet Li vs. Dolph Lungren  oh please.

Do not leave your imagination at home while viewing. haha

Dolph better have a good stuntman or else it will be Jet vs. Brennan Frasier all over again, which was ... not quite insulting due to no preconceived thought that it had much potential, but most agree it's hard to believe.

I do GREATLY look forward to it though: STALLONE, ROURKE, MY GOVERNOR!, JET LI, STATHOM, BRUCE WILLIS?! good lord, this shit will be enjoyable NO MATTER WHAT! hahaha

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I had to post these cuz they're so cute!!! haha

Jane chose the most fitting faces too.

The last one is my desktop BG right now. ALL ME what an ego booster! muhahhaa

about 15 years ago 0 likes  36 comments  0 shares
Photo 73131
He-Man's going to win.
about 15 years ago
Photo 34128
Been working out?
about 15 years ago
haha ...
about 15 years ago
nice ...
about 15 years ago
Img 1004
LMAO! you should have danced like that when I was there in LA
about 15 years ago
Photo 453287
haha cool !
about 15 years ago
Zhouxiaofei 88 zhouxiaofei
You can often see a lot of interesting photos!
about 15 years ago
Photo 80548
about 15 years ago


"One day I will die SO today I will eat." –D.Y.

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June 5, 2007