been really busy... and i'm exhaustedIn a nutshell:who: my team EMC
what: Shooting an AMAZING short film called ON THE EDGE
when: for the past 2 wks and will continue for another 2 wks
where: many locations accessible and convenient to our location
why: for a FILM FEST ( a few diff ones)
how: only God knows the pain we endure
trying really hard to be a badass
we had to scrap this whole days footage cuz the cops came by to stop our filming we are sad.
fight scene at night. i know it's dark. we gotta do color correction on it.
even though it's 3 AM and i'm getting kicked in the chest like 15 times
Faces you may recognize ... or want to recognize
helping with grip-work also DAMN my arm looks good!
why are we so close? yes i ask the same question. SPOONING! HAHA
that right ladies.... it's not a clip on
except when i accidentally busted wilson's ear during the interogation scene. oops
Emo Detective other news:- SWINE FLU is killing MEXICANS! and americans too. WASH YOUR HANDS PLENTY.
rooks, broken blade, and lee brothers are all moving slow.
i have a busted lip from film fighting.
Loan is going to help me launch my own website.
i forgot to say happy birthday LUVLI so there ya go.
i'm broke as hell, fans happen to think i'm rich hahaha ... ahha... aaaand.... sad
----------------------------------------------Food!cuz JRS wants a food war... grrrrrrr
love rice but can't intake too many carbs -----------------------------------------MS SCARLETTs PHOTOSHOPPING WORK maybe a lil indecent cuz it's children but all in good fun ---------------------------------------------------------------miss hang out with loan at mickey D's, while doing her last day shopping in LA.
---------------------------------------------------------CONGRATULATIONS TO MY DAD!!!he took 1st in the Long Beach Soccer tournament he's got crazy tats hehe i lovers him!
Dary is working hard to get her MASTERS... hopefully graduation this JUNE!
i lovers her!
"One day I will die SO today I will eat." –D.Y.