So yeah for those of you that don't know, I'm in the A T L freezing my ass off (not literal, if literal I would have to mention a different part haha).
For the past 2 weeks I've been shooting a film called Champion Road: ARENA. I'm one of 4 leads and fight Choreographer.
There are 19 Fights in this film so when completed, we'll be in the Guinness book of world records for most fights in a film.
The director RL Scott doesn't want any pictures up so I can't post any. It's so we can shock the world with this new generation of film fighting. yall dig?
My fight scene we shot today was RAW. Really truly some of my best work. I really CANT WAIT to have our LA premiere and have it seen. This is the product of analyzing film fighting for 17 yrs.
I hope to get a chance to update more.
missing my AND crew
"One day I will die SO today I will eat." –D.Y.