yadda yadda_
i own the science of sleep but i never watched it. the problem with being a compulsive artist is that, i cant pass up cheap investments like five dollar dvds but then i dont make time for it — i havent seen a movie since november and for once im dying to see a bunch of films. before i go to bed i watch tv online or movies and i decided that after a year or two of collecting dust.. i should watch it. i feel like bernal in the movie, engulfed in my own imagination, especially these days. more or less, i feel like im stuck outside on a warm afternoon and it is pouring; my tears are hidden in the rain and i cant find up… im half way done — ill finish the rest tonight. i bet if you cut gondry, he would bleed corrugated cardboard.
studio visit_
now that i have a working camera, i think im starting to abuse it… hehe
my studio is in my living room, so i live in my own mess. i forget what it looks like in retrospect and at times like that, i surprise myself — im not going to lie, im a gross girl.
so this is my mess… i work on top of a self healing cutting board ive had since freshman year of college. dirty dishes amidst my acrylic supplies finds its way to unite
like the bmi measurement tool, hahaha. that wooden model is something i never really used, but i have like three of them for some weird reason.. almost like they hand them out when you decide to become an artist.
im working on a series of paintings, a little stuck but i think ill get there. im in this creature phase.. im hoping each piece works alone and when u combine all the paintings together, it becomes something bigger and greater. i should plan things out more, but that requires effort
this dragon looks like the laughing cow cheese.
im hella VIP of that joint… i really wanted to have a name tag that said something on the lines of “rainbow barfing rockstar” but they ran out of tags
ok so the random question of the day_
where would you rather live:
a shoe box doll house
gingerbread house
female + gemini + hippie artist = 3 types of crazy = you lose. like an asian version of frida kahlo minus the old balls cheating husband .