My girlfriend and I went to the event other night. I realized in LA, If you are producer or director, chicks would throw their asses everywhere. Ass were trying to drop degits, ass on the wall hanging, apple martini with double shot of ass. I know networking is important, but I got bit tired and went outside for the air. I made friends there. Two lost pitbull were outside and I did hardcore networking with them. I don’t think any of the girls had my kind of interaction.The dogs were sitting on my lap. I hate when people sell themself out so they can get what they want from someone.I like my friends just because. One of my girl does producing or directing,one of those things. I would like her exactly same if she works at hotdog on a stick.(or maybe I would like her more for free hotdog.) I liked her because she was hell of a timberline player with good heart. That quality is as rare as hermaphrodite. You can’t change who you are just to get what you want and must be true to yourself. Ladies, now I must go because I have TV show to produce and movie to direct.