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24 Herbs
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One night in DI | DI一夜

The 24 crew rocked up to Edison's party for a few beers. Unfortunately it rained as soon as we arrived. We all went down to another floor where they had a DJ etc. It was hot and smoky as hell. The lifts also sucked badly but we had a good time. We ran into Eason and all decided to hit Dragon-i for a few more. So out whole crew or some 14 people head for central from Aberdeen. DI was rocking as usual. We ran into Jaycee and a few of the usual suspects. Thanks to Carl for the photos below. Peace.

| Herbs一群人去了Edison的party喝啤酒。糟糕的是我們一到就開始下雨,只好到另一層樓玩,那兒也有DJ打碟。象地獄一樣很熱、很多煙,電梯也差勁,但我們玩得很開心。Eason過來,我們決定去Dragon-i再玩一會,大約14個人一起從香港仔跑去中環。Dragon-i象往常一樣棒,後來Jaycee還有幾個朋友也加入我們。謝謝Carl拍的照片。和平。

| Herbs一群人去了Edison的party喝啤酒。糟糕的是我们一到就开始下雨,只好到另一层楼玩,那儿也有DJ打碟。象地狱一样很热、很多烟,电梯也差劲,但我们玩得很开心。Eason过来,我们决定去Dragon-i再玩一会,大约14个人一起从香港仔跑去中环。Dragon-i象往常一样棒,后来Jaycee还有几个朋友也加入我们。谢谢Carl拍的照片。和平。

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Conroy c0 conroy
who cut my f**kin head off!!!!
almost 17 years ago
Photo 33427
(conroy) haha -- the press cut your head off to make you look short & fat :)
almost 17 years ago


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