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Chinese University Rocks !|中文大學Rocks!|中文大学Rocks!

Last night we were invited to perform at the Chinese Uni - New Asia College in Sha Tin. When we arrived, it looked a little boring but little did we know those guys can party. We are thankful that they responded so well as their energy drives us to perform much better. Thanks Chinese U. See you next time !!! Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-YIL3WrRiM |
昨天晚上我們被邀請去沙田的中大-新亞書院做表演,我們剛到那裏的時候,以為他們不愛熱鬧呢,所以看起來有點悶。很感謝他們激情地與我們互動,那麽有活力,驅動著我們表演得很出色。謝謝中大。下次再會!!!Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-YIL3WrRiM |
昨天晚上我们被邀请去沙田的中大-新亚书院做表演,我们刚到那里的时候,以为他们不爱热闹呢,所以看起来有点闷。很感谢他们激情地与我们互动,那么有活力,驱动着我们表演得很出色。谢谢中大。下次再会!!!Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-YIL3WrRiM

over 14 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
great reception, very 'in your face' w/ no stage!
over 14 years ago
Darn, if I'd known, I would have crashed the party...
over 14 years ago


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April 10, 2007