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24Herbs "Hu Ge" New Music Video|24Herbs 最新 MV "胡歌"|24Herbs 最新 MV "胡歌"

It's here! The first single off our upcoming EP. "Hu Ge"! Great time making the MV. We recruited the keen eyes of the Chan brothers; Mo and Wy, who by day are part of the creative team behind Silly Things. Great job guys! 24Herbs brings you new slang, hope you enjoy! Thanks to everyone who helped make this party clip. Also, thanks to Revolution, Drum, Rock Candy, Chouette and Starz People. Check it out:  | 就在這!我們新EP發布的第一支單曲,"胡歌"!制作這個MV是個很棒的經歷,我們挑起了陳氏兄弟的犀利眼光,Mo和Wy是那天平庸表面背後極具創意的那部分,做得真棒,兄弟們!24Herbs給你們帶來的新歌,希望你們喜歡!感謝所有參加出演party場景的朋友。還要感謝Revolution,Drum,Rock Candy, Chouette和Starz People。看這裏:

一首大家都會感到愉快的party歌曲,應該去你們當地的KTV唱這首歌。祝你們開心!“Hu Ge Clea Va Ge”!幫著傳播這個口號!感謝你們的支持!peace | 就在这!我们新EP发布的第一支单曲,"胡歌"!制作这个MV是个很棒的经历,我们挑起了陈氏兄弟的犀利眼光,Mo和Wy是那天平庸表面背后极具创意的那部分,做得真棒,兄弟们!24Herbs给你们带来的新歌,希望你们喜欢!感谢所有参加出演party场景的朋友。还要感谢 Revolution,Drum,Rock Candy, Chouette和Starz People。看这里:

一首大家都会感到愉快的party歌曲,应该去你们当地的KTV唱这首歌。祝你们开心!“Hu Ge Clea VaGe”!帮着传播这个口号!感谢你们的支持!peace

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  32 评论s  0 shares
Mastamic 26 mastamic
another good one!!! Keep it up!!
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 82035
this is bloody catchy, hilarious and sexy at the same time! thx for breaking it down for us!! literally! hahaha!
接近 15 年 ago
Prodipleung 6a prodipleung
Dancing with HUGE ? NICE...
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 443826
there needs more hu ge clea va ge in HK!
接近 15 年 ago
thank you all for the positive feedback !! maybe we can do part 2.. "Hu Ge Ba Booty, iL Li Ke, Ba Booty"...
接近 15 年 ago
Markryan f4 markryan
The girls didn't seem to fit the "hu ge clea va ge" role...
接近 15 年 ago
10527800 995836987877 2229692523636585837 n
This is awesome!
接近 15 年 ago
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 403831
This has to be the funniest song about racks ever!
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 95928
Wai tu farn ee.
接近 15 年 ago
Hu Ge !! Clea Vage!!! hehe, catchy
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 55108
who needs Hu Ge ... RESPECT all the Cle Va Ge ...
接近 15 年 ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Catchy song with that nice reggaeton vibe. But I think you picked the wrong girls for the video, these anorexic models don't have big knockers. Hope this isn't what passes for big t**s in HK. Also, have you got some reverse discrimination thing going on here; is this the flip side of the submissive Asian female stereotype, the big-titted Caucasian female? It would have been nice if you could have had a mix of races, not just White girls. It might give the wrong message to Asian girls--Asian guys will always find them lacking in this department. Images, especially pop culture images, have a lot of power on young people.
接近 15 年 ago
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
Hu Ge Er E CT IOn...
接近 15 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i agree with Marie Jost, there are some good examples of curvy asian models to choose from... perhaps for the next video! :-D
接近 15 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 10, 2007