Official Artist
Lun Wong
Comic Creator / Cartoonist , Graphic Designer , Illustrator
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Pat Lee in Hong Kong!

a friend told me that next to the marks and spencers just off of LKF there was a batman graffiti image, so after work i decided to go down and check it out. much to my suprise i was taken back by the image. life size paintings and spray can work of batman and spiderman. after doing a little digging when returning home i find out it was painted by none other than pat lee who i have much respect for in the comics world.

to see someone of his position in hong kong is a huge inspiration and shows that there is so much more to this city then some would believe. yes, you know who you are. big it up to pat lee.

his work is amazing. check out the images below.

like i said, amazing. www.alivenotdead.com - its the next stage.


almost 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


'Laughter is infectious, like smallpox or gay'.

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english, cantonese
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
February 25, 2008