Lun Wong
漫画创作者/漫画家, 平面设计师, 插画家
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'I am Queens Boulevard'

It has been a while since I blogged. I mean properly blog. 

It's funny because I look online at so many blogs where everyone is in there own self-obsessed world, typing non-stop gibberish and loving their own reflection, talking about the 'coolest' parties, showing off celebrities they have taken photos with or whining about love and why the yearn for it. These are all examples of course, then I think - hey wait...I blog and I read these other 'blogs'... what does that say about me? 

Thankfully my argument is that I blog about my work (or work related), which is my attitude towards blogging in general. Plus I do like to have a good ol' read and see how the world is doing in general. Anyway. Enough bitching. Sorry I just had to get that off my chest.

I have been busy working on several projects that will come to fruition towards the end of the year so watch this space. 

Please keep your evenings free on THURSDAY 22ND OCTOBER. More details in time...

As for now, here's one I made earlier:

This series has been one of my favourite shows since university. A big shout out to my boy all the way in the Maldives, Yooman for introducing it to me. Check out his band, 1984 at the following myspace. Some pretty fly music here. http://www.myspace.com/1984maldivesAnyway back to the drawing board.

Be safe.


15 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares
Photo 55225
one of my favorite pieces mr 1k
15 年多 ago


'Laughter is infectious, like smallpox or gay'.


english, cantonese
Hong Kong
February 25, 2008