Official Artist
Lun Wong
Comic Creator / Cartoonist , Graphic Designer , Illustrator
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Hong Kong Clubs should be Ashamed

A break from illustration and design. I have noticed that two clubs in Hong Kong have already posted events on facebook for tomorrow - 'Michael Jackson Tribute Nights'.I am disgusted and appalled. When I saw the invites I actually felt queezy. Michael Jackson's not even cold yet (well maybe started to turn) but it's not even a day and parties are being held in his name. Money grabbing whores. I wish I could say I can't believe it, but I can. I can't wait to see what Sony are going to make of his records.Now before anything, yes they could genuinely mean it but frankly, in Hong Kong and the way that businesses are run I find this very hard to believe. People are charging and making money of his name which is to be expected but still, it's wrong. I also understand Hong Kong is not the only place to do this but it's the only place I have seen so far. But hey, I guess 'it's all in the game'.R.I.P. Michael Jackson.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares
Photo 55225
great point
over 15 years ago
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Tonight at the casio party Sam Lee played a MJ song at the beginning of his set as a tribute. i thought that was appropriate.
over 15 years ago
Photo 62509
Ths is ok Mr. Etchy, - I'm talking about whole nights - like this for example http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=110670155776&ref=tshttp://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=110670155776&ref=ts it sickens me. they have this on for 2 weeks in a row.
over 15 years ago
Photo 55225
i have a feeling whoever came up with the idea of the first link is a real doughebag
over 15 years ago
Photo 415909
screw them.... where is the respect of life? if it's a tribute that's alright but to make money out of it... not supporting that at all...
over 15 years ago
Photo 62509
I know of at least 2 clubs in Central with this already. I feel so strongly about this. absolute vultures. NOT EVEN A DAY HAS HE BEEN DEAD FFS.
over 15 years ago
Photo 50475
bad call you should also see the a**hole selling the NEWSPAPERS on eBAY - talking about "r.i.p."ping of the dead. RIP MJ - rest in peace!
over 15 years ago


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