Official Artist
Lun Wong
Comic Creator / Cartoonist , Graphic Designer , Illustrator
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ANGELS ROCK Charity Auction @ M1NT, Wed 10th Sep.

Do I have a story for you guys.

On Wednesday night, I had the honour of having one of my works auctioned off for Angels For Orphans.
To be honest I had no idea what the kids had to go through and after seeing the tearjerker movie I was moved. All the stress and sleepless nights that I have endured the last few weeks kinda paid off ( yea, yea, I know it wasn't just this that stressed me out).

Anyway, my item for auction was the sketch that I used on the flyer of the Angel, blown up on a board 84cm by 79cm. I was pretty impressed that it actually looked quite good that size. When it was auctioned, I was called up on stage by the superfasttalkingauctionguysayingridiculousnumberssofast. I was so embarrassed I was finding it a little hard to hold back the tears from my eyes when the bidding started. My boy Jerome jumped in at $5000 but then gave up soon when the bidding kept going up and up.

My piece finally sold for $80,000 and I was... well pretty speechless. It beat all other bids that night including a diamond ring, a cruise and CX tickets to Bali. I was pretty goddam impressed to say the least.. just in total awe actually... I have never been so overwhelmed and what made me feel even better was that my work went to such a damn good cause.

Like I said, all the work was worth while. I'm still finding it hard to sleep. With everything that's been going on lately it was such an amazing time and to know that i raised 80k for them kids, well, I came into work with the biggest smile on my face today.

Keep going to the events which I have already posted on one of my older blogs. Below are some pics of the evening.

My signboard outside of M1NT My badboy piece waiting to be sold

A really bad image of me embarrassed on stage with the angels

A pretty shaken up, tired, sweaty smelly but still goddam handsome pic of me with angel ears next to my logo, leaving the party.Once again, an amazing night, and thank you to all the Angels, and everyone that attended for such an amazing cause. I also wanna give a shout out to My boy Jerome, Harmony, Wincy and Fran for the moral support too. I'll keep adding more pics as soon as I get them.I'm of to the UK for a good three and a bit weeks soon and even though it's not under the best of circumstances I'm really looking forward to seeing all my family and my boys and girls back in my endz...

I'm still working on a whole load of projects so I'll be posting regularly, and I'll be back before you know it, although maybe not in once piece as I'm taking my skateboard back... :P

Peace guys.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Photo 62509
Thanks guys... I still got the grin on my face!!!! :D
over 16 years ago
Photo 62509
well at least i got someone to agree wit me there... thought i was alone on that one!
over 16 years ago


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