Hello all,
It has been a while.. apologies for the slack of updates but I have been busting my balls on certain projects that I can't really say anything about yet. I have been a little out of the picture lately due to work and personal issues but I think I'm getting back on track- like my friend says I gotta have faith, and 'just add oil'... that has no context but that sounds pretty awesome.
One project I have been working on is for a charity Angels For Orphans, a UK based charity supporting Sunrise Children's Villages.
From September 10th, Angels For Orphans will be holding various events in Hong Kong for a week.
The events kick off with a Charity Auction 'Angels Rock' with sponsored canapes and drinks at M1NT with guest DJ Battle performing at the event.
There is also a photography showcase 'Home Is Where The Heart Is' & 'Exert of Irena Moore's Awakening', both by Angela Lee on the 10th-11th at Contemporary Gallery in Soho,
On the 12th of September, 'A Night of Geraldine Cox AM' at Soda, who will be talking about Angels and Orphans with complimentary cocktails.
From the 10th-13th 'Love, Sex and the whole Shebang', a series of short plays will be performed at the Performing Arts Gallery
On the 15th at Hemingways by the Bay [Discovery Bay], Angels will be wrapping up the week with a Summer Beach Party and Fashion show with a Caribbean BBQ with clothes by Amanda Darling and Mandarin Rose.
This is the printed invite I designed.
This original sketch is going to be blown up and auctioned at the event.
Come support the children. Hope to see you guys there.
'Laughter is infectious, like smallpox or gay'.