Ever since I got my first cellphone, I've stopped wearing watches. Now it feels weird when I put one on. Unless I'm traveling..
So, I thought maybe I should get a real clock for my new apartment. I was looking for a projector clock but then my new place is really tiny, so I don't really have much wall space to project it on. That's when I found this COOL clock!Time made simple. Designed by Vadim Kibardin. Four simple OLED digits, each with it's own power source. Each has a light sensor that can tell if it is light or dark in the room, adjusting the numbers accordingly from black numbers during the day, to bright white numbers at night! Awesome, huh? Too bad it's just a concept clock..hopefully the real thing will be out soon!
Live it, love it, learn it. That's life! •• I'm sorry but I find it weird and I do not accept friend request from people I do not know personally or haven't