Zoe Lee
演员, 模特儿
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Singapore 1 week ago - Pic Blog

Met up with my best friend in Primary School for dinner at a nice little restaurant @ 313

Went to Resort World in Sentosa and lost $150 on the slot machines. I have no clue about gambling, I don't even know how to play poker

Resort World Hotel

  Went to 24 hr Mustafa in Little India for last minute shopping

The yummiest fries ever! Masala fries with curry sauce

Is my Lumix so difficult to use? Pics always ends up out of focus when other people use it

My shopping partner in crime..my cousin!

I've never watched any local plays before but after watching Jae Leung in To Kill A Mockingbird. I must say it was pretty good. Jae was good!! I'm definitely going to catch some Animal Farm when they show again in Singapore.I really admire actors who do theater.Can't wait tocheck out Yu-Beng Lim's ass! Ermm..I mean play

14 年多 前 0 赞s  27 评论s  0 shares
There I was, thinking Singapore couldn't get any hotter... silly me!
14 年多 ago
Photo 51673
hahaha ok but go gentle on the tail ok?!?
14 年多 ago
Photo 53024
JRS: Thanks :) They've got some really pretty glass work inside the Casino too
14 年多 ago
Dsc 1374
hope im not too bad as a newbie in theatre :) yeah u should catch animal farm! they're awesome!
14 年多 ago
Photo 53024
Enigma : The yummy part was the "stuff" on the lid!!
14 年多 ago
Photo 53024
Enigma: Hmmm..bite an apple?
14 年多 ago
Photo 53024
Enigma: Yup, we're the same age :) Friends since we were 7!
14 年多 ago
Photo 53024
Joanne: My cousin and I had wonderful time :) Yes, yes,  let's come watch Animal Farm together! It would be so awesome!! Love Yu-Beng's work. He's a really talented actor! Slot machines are EVIL, uh huh! :D
14 年多 ago


Live it, love it, learn it. That's life! •• I'm sorry but I find it weird and I do not accept friend request from people I do not know personally or haven't


english, cantonese, mandarin, malay, hokkien, itallian
Taipei, Taiwan
January 10, 2008