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Shanghai police imposing foreigner curfew for Expo

from shanghaiist.com:


All foreign teachers/expats are required to carry their passport with them at all times, 24 hours a day; 7 days a week.

All foreign teachers/expats are required to register with their local PSB (Police Station) within 24 hours of arrival/issuance of a new visa or change of any details.

All foreign teachers/expats are required to return to their own place of residence each night or notify the local PSB if they are staying in another residence after 11pm , EACH NIGHT.

All foreign teachers/expats who travel outside of Shanghai must have a clearance letter from their employer and their employer must be aware of ALL and ANY travel arrangements.


All foreign teachers/expats should avoid from "socialising" within local area of any of the EXPO sites.

All foreign teachers/expats should avoid plane travel or long distance travel rail/bus travel.

The Shanghai and district PSB have tightened up on these requirements and WILL be checking one in ten foreigners at their residences and on the streets. I have been advised by [redacted] that teachers should avoid travel / or trips out of shanghai and should be extremely careful when travelling [sic] within Shanghai over the next few months.

UPDATE: ICS comfirm that it's a rumor... but anyway... when you heard that 16 police car go arrest some foreigner in the club, or the subway security guard ask your passport for take the subway... you might to think that shanghai start to become crazy with this expo...

14 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow that's quite absurd. i don't even think its possible, there are going to be like 1 million + foreign tourists in Shanghai for the expo, they're going to ask them all for their passports or round them up at 11:01? (how can you ban the english teachers from being out after 11 but not the tourists?
14 年多 ago
Photo 49112
@Etchy: it was very absurd, but if it was true, i will be not really surprise... mainland is full of surprise.... many foreiger was already kick out for some reasons (weed sellers, or have an illegal visa etc) they try clean everything. Even now, i saw some walker stop in the red light!! incredible!
14 年多 ago


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Beijing, China
December 13, 2007