When i was packed my stuff for move to a new appartment tomorrow, i found a dvd with only writed on it "2004" , i was wondering what it was, because i dont remember i write this or make a short movie called 2004. and i found it was a very old short movie i made with my friend in 8 hours in belgium, i remember that we are my home playing game and we felt boring... and my friend say :
"lets go make a movie" just fight, fight and fight (bad fight), i say ok! i tool my old handycam and we went to our school and we shoot a very bad action movie hahahah but it was fun!! (specialy the sound effects, hahaha)sorry its in french... but no need to understand this holiday video :PENJOYVideo: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjAyMDA4MTg0.html
Belgian independant filmmaker in China! Making some cool short films online! 比利時導演住中國拍攝酷的微電影。