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Yung Yung Yu
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Will you take a moment of silent with me?

Less than 24 hours ago, my Yai Yai passed away. When she broke her leg, I knew then that she'd only live for months longer but then things turn better so, I didn't think much of it anymore. Slowly, she is developing what I suspect to be a degrading immune system. She became less active. First, she developed eye problem, her right eye was always wet, producing reddish yellow fluid which looked like dried blood stain. So, I cleaned her eyes twice a day and used a little bit of antiseptic on it. I knew she hated it but I gotta do it.... gently. Later, right part of her tummy seemed to be shedding fur, so, I used a little oinment on it to ease it and the fur grew back. I also found wounds on the back of her arm, under her belly, and on her tail. I could not understand because she lived with Guai Guai and they never fought. I didn't find any bruises or anything on Guai Guai neither.  Then the end of her arms started to peel and went reddish, the her back started to shed fur again. So, I went to get some advice from the pet shop. They adviced me to use some ointment and an antiseptic bathing sand. After the 3rd application, Yai Yai looked like her skin has just recovered from a bad burn and lost more than 50% of her fur. My heart ache when I saw her like that. By this moment, I have separated Yai Yai from Guai Guai. They live in different cages, with private baths and toilets.

Last night, I did not know why I was still awake despite it was almost 4 in the morning (lately, I went to bed around 12am or 1pm), maybe cause I have been away for 2 days and coz I was tired the day I came back that I went to sleep early, I wanted to look at them a little longer last night. When I saw Yai Yai, I decided not to use the ointment anymore, it looked like it was way too strong her skin. I thought of giving her a wet bath then let her have her sand bath from then on. I had a little water on a baskin, Yai Yai seemed happy.... for the first time, she looked like she was learning to dive (the water WAS really shallow), she sat down and she washed her face and head and dive again and sit down again. I then picked her up to wash her.... when she suddenly vomit white foamy thing and blood came out of her nose. IF GOD knows my biggest phobia, it would be a phobia towards dead bodies, including insects, just dying seafood, dead mammals. I once had a lobster sashimi in AUS and for some reason the lobster's antenna moved, I swore to God, I jumped and insisted wanting to go home. I had really horrible experience that concluded this phobia. When I saw her "so" motionless lying on my hand, I had the strongest urge on earth to just toss her away. I swore to God, I was freaked out. Yet, for some reason, in less than a second a grabbed a handful of tissue, wrapped her and started giving her CPR. No, I don't think I have overcome my phobia, HELL NO! But.... I guess that is love. I could not care more than trying to pump her small her heart and blow her small mouth and shake her! I knew she'd die, just never expected this fast. I have never seen her so quiet and and peaceful. She was the most naughty one but now she just lied there..... peacefully. Actually Yai Yai is very very cute because she is fat and naughty. Tears did not roll down my face. I just sat there... blank. Nothing was on my mind, a space of blank whiteness. Was I too sad to cry? or Did it happen too sudden? or maybe both?

I can't help but despise it when some people come to me and tell me "silly girl! They are just beast. If I were you, I would not feel a thing, I cannot feel connection with those things!". I can understand that not everybody can relate to this, but please, dun judge, even if you do, keep it to youself. Cause you are not making me feeling any better and certainly not impressing me with your words. I had a long and sad childhood that I do not want to bore anybody with. I can tell you my only friends were my pets, though I was used to seeing them die every few days. I can't tell you how many chicks, rabbits, crab .... (what do you call it again?), fishes, frogs, dogs that died under my care. Yet, when I turned 15 or 16, moved house, my pets stayed alive, unless killed. I meant literally killed by my servants. Like my 2 poor baby turtles that she squashed alive with her fingers. Another 2 turtles died for some reasons I did not know, I have had them for more than 7 or 8 years. I was sad but I was not there, so I kinda recover from grievance pretty quickly. They were and are (some still alive) with my parents. So, she is my first dead pet. I really took care of her. To some extent I blame myself for her death. I wondered.... why did she choose to die on my palm? I looked at her tummy closely, no movement. I held her... I wanted to cry but no tears came out. Like I said in my previous blogs. She has got most of my attention the past month out of the 3 hamsters.

On another hand....... I am just praying quietly, thankfully, gratefuly, that the one that stopped breathing was not Xu Xu.... if not..... I would not know what I would do. I believe I'd be a million times more depressed. Now, I am worried about Guai Guai... she's used to Yai Yai's company.....





over 16 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares
I am really sorry to hear it. I was hoping to meet Yai Yai someday. I know you did your best and that she was loved and lived a good life.
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
doh rest in peace!
over 16 years ago


Come with me on a journey of self discovery! Wanna know a hamster who talks with an attitude? Meet one on Xuxu's site: http://www.alivenotdead.com/Y3XuXu

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December 25, 2007