Yung Yung Yu
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Suddenly missed my brother. come to think of it.... haven't seen him much since 2001 after I left the states in end of 2000. saw him in 2002 for few days, 2003 for 2 days then 2006, and 2008 for 3 days. Not to mention I went overseas to study at the age of 12, then him to UK. Haven't spent much time with him, then all of a sudden he's married. I never say this to anyone but.... I guess.... I do miss my brother.

The most vivid or real memory I had of him was 1998-1999 where he often stayed out while we studied in Ohio, then Seattle than LA. Even then, I only got to see him like once a month coz he's always out with his friends, where I took my study really seriously...  My GPA was like 3.85-3.9 and his? less than 2. hahahaha..... thank God he fell in love then.. was forced to study hard to graduate. We had lots of fights.... talked like.... once or twice a year for a long long time before... so bad we just completely stopped talking since 2006. We just didn't talk not that we r mad at each other. At least I wasn't. Last month I went on holiday to join my parents, my mum called me and say "When you see your brother, don't ignore him, at least not infront of others ok? Don't let it out in the open!" I was like "WHAT? Why would I ignore him?" That didn't even cross my mind. I guess my ignorance to problems and silence to things gives out a lot of wrong impressions. The fact that I dun call or I dun talk to him does not mean I dun love him, I am mad at him or love him any less.....

Silly parents. Yea... I do miss my bro... Sometimes I feel like I am an only child (else than when I feel mum is not being fair.... how come bro gets everything he wants), not that I get spoilt but the fact that I am always alone. 


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Come with me on a journey of self discovery! Wanna know a hamster who talks with an attitude? Meet one on Xuxu's site: http://www.alivenotdead.com/Y3XuXu


english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, malay
Hong Kong
December 25, 2007