Official Artist
Yung Yung Yu
Actor , Producer , MC / Show Host
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Old poems

           In the Search of you prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /

prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" / 


Confusion, agitation filled the heart of mine

Where art thou my dear?

Shattered like the send across beaches

is the hope for your love


My love sprung like a rose

Survived autumns, prevailed over…

 the freezing snow of white winters

In the search of you


These rolling tears

Does it not touch your soul?

These sweet affections

Does it not incite your passion?


Oh… Dear

Love floats like a fume of smoke

High over mountains, far across oceans

Just in the search of you


My sweet lullaby

The last thing worthy of memories

In the search of you

               prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /Sydney, June 19 th 2001




My mind… wonders through clusters of stars

At a time like this....


My heart… ponders over stretches of mountains

In dark of nights…


Life… what is there to pursue, to care, to live….

Time… what is there to see, to wait, to give…


Love… what is love…

Does it embody feeling, lust, chemistry or all the above…


Why does human live yet not to give…

Why does human love and not be loved…


Heart, body and soul… ,the ones that make a man a human…

Or is it,

Emotions, breath, and desire….


Perseverance, patience, endurance

Fortitude, mercy and compassion

Those were the olden gold


Aggressiveness, extremity and passion

These are diamonds of this era


Two roads, two separate ways

Two paths, two distinct lays

Which to choose, where to set loose…



13 October 2004

20.37 pm Sydney



Such lingering feeling

This memory of you smiling

Overcomemountains of fears

Perpetuating fountains oftears.


Living a life without your presence

Breathing air with none of your essence

Living is resemblance of dying

Breathing yet I am suffocating


Do you know even without seeing?

Can you understand my feeling?

Even if you see and feel, are you believing?

Showing that you do ever care


It is too much to bear

Living a life of illusions….


April 11 th 2002




These words …

Kept inside

The feelings….

I try to hide


Every moment

Every day

Every minute

Every second


In the songs I hear

In the air I breathe

In the objects I touch

In the things I see


At any corners of my world

At any angles of my sight

At any senses of my understanding

At any state of my existence


Three words echo

I miss you

Three words stay

I want you


June 3 rd 2005

Our Story


Tired, bound and broken

Yet you stood there unshaken

With the pain shown but unspoken


Your eyes alike buried rubies

Your smell overshadows lilies

Your smile lest a woman be in peace


What an enchanting scene

To see this beautiful sin

Unfold beyond what mankind’s ever seen


This excitement

The uncontrollable lust and passion

Building inside me under my skin


Boiling every moment to bust

Shattering me to dust

Evaporating my last breath and just


Reaching out to thee

Feeling my nerves and tasting honey

The honey of a feeling called “empty”


Can you imagine?

The creeping tension

That has shut me into the long dark dungeon


Why do these tears roll?

On a sky creeper so tall

Soon by its side I start to fall


Will you catch me into your arm?

That I may feel dear and warm

Before the last realm


In the midst of crowd

I am feeling proud

For you took away my doubt


Though late

This is what thus called “fate”

A legend to this date

1 st June 2005

A love so great, I feel for thee

That stops the earth from rotating

O thee my love one thing I wish

Stopped is the sun that this day lasts forever


Astonished is the moon by the ray of thy smile

Exalted is He who created thee indeed

Implanted love seed and deed

May our love be eternal


On the green thick grass we play

Down under the warm sun simmer we lay

The North wind blow

Like arrow away from the bow


Looking into your eyes, I gaze

A billion stars I find

Looking into the secret place in your heart

O dear my name engraved, aligned


O thee my love

More beautiful than spring O’Hare

O thee my darling

More daring are you than bear


You reach for the stars for I desire them

Yet the stars glide down before the rhythm

To testify what great love destined

As heavenly angels danced


All animals over the earth

Convene to watch the love rebirth

“I love you” your words unite the earth

For once the north meet the south

And the east become one with west


The sky is revolving from blue to silky crystals

“I love you too” struck like thunder yet tender resemblance of water

It melts polar glacier, burns ocean of minerals

In the end old lands exist no more and the sea turn into soil.



UntitledI’d walk with you if I could

I’d fill your days if I could

You see? I too for so long

Secretly want to belong


And I saw bliss

When you gave me that kiss

What I thought should never exist

Have turned into something that I so miss


So then I thought why the hell not

However short, it could be done

But that is not why I fought

Time spreads its arm, and I always run


Would you care to take a chance?

When we cross paths upon that sand

Such a loose end, I thought, how could I ever mend?

You took my hand and

How I wished the whole world could just bend


I would hate to leave you jaded

But you could rate and on it bet

I’d disappoint you so damn bad

You won’t have no choice but be mad


And that’s the least that I want of you

Believe you me, I have wished for better

But I can’t help my dreadful nature

Would you despise me saying it’s safer?


There are moments I swore I loved you

And I have found forever in us

But I’ve learned by heart, forever is as long as it lasts

And it ended the day I saw what your smile for me says 

over 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, malay
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
December 25, 2007