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Yung Yung Yu
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LACK of sleep

Today is officially the 7th day I have been sleeping at 7 or 8 am and waking up at 12. I am going mad.... slept at 9 2 nights agon woke up at 12pm. Last night.... well it is 8.15am n i am still here blogging so this say more than enough. gotta wake up at 11 later to go to doctor's appointment (X-ray n check up). ok.... i think i need another shower, 4th time today. well actually 2nd time on april 22nd.

my dog has a far more organized life. Living with my parents. i think he has a better life than most of us. wakes up at 5,  breakfast at 6, loo at 7, nap at 9, lunch at 12, snack at 2, chat with turtle at 3, exercise at 4, tv at 5, dinner at 6.30, fruits at 8, sleep at 10. that is the timetable my maid told me. Brush teeth 2-3 times a week, salon every week, vet every 3 months.

Tommy is a pomeriam but not only is he a pom. he's a MINI pom. Pom weighs 2-3 kg. minis around 1.5 to 2 but Tommy is A HUGE 8kg!!! when i first bought him home he was mere 300+grms and he wouldn't eat so the first few months I brought him to the vet every 2 weeks to give him vitamins shots.... they were hell painful. Poor Tommy but since, he has loved food.... overboard. THUS he got so big!!!!! :P He has lost a bit now, around 5-6 kg after getting sick last time. Too much mango. Should have stick with grapes n melon or honeydew.

Tomy is a total spoilt brat. He has learnt eveything well, else than he does what he wants attitude, including toilet habit. Tomy loves soft cushion support on his back legs when he go for poo poo, so he loves going around home's rug n poo poo there..... I KNOW... I GET mad too but I can't help but shake my head when my maids tell me not to shout at Tomy, as they will simply just wash the rugs AGAIN!!!!! So, back home, will always see some rugs hanging to dry at the back yard from time to time. Most of the time, he enjoys the grass cushion enough.

 The way he goes to poo poo is funny, he'll go a bit then go forward, then go a bit again and then go forward again n then go abit again, it goes on till he is done, then he'll go around scrubbing his butt to make sure his butt got no shit. I am happy to see him doing that ONLY when he goes poo poo on the grass though.... but I have to admit it is damn funny the way he does it. Tomy learns few things well, he knows I hate noise pollution, dog saliva n when he does not listen to me. He has the most adorable personality. He is never angry or negative no matter how far people go with their anger, trust me! He has got spanked REAL DAMN HARD n he just went back n kissed the one who spanked him straight away... amazing. I did not realise he is that adorable till I visited my bro's house, where he got 3 pomerian and they were 3 little crazy dewy devils. THEY JUMPED JUMPED JUMPD AND BARKED AND BARKED AND BARKED AND BARKED ANDDDDD BARKED! JESUS... I almost went beserk!!!!!!!!! Compared to Tomy who just sit there quietly waiting me to wake up one morning where I was not feeling well n only got up at 4pm.... he did not make A SOUND. When I woke up, he went mad.... from hunger and boredom AND the need to pee and poo and again FROM HUNGER! When I opened my bedroom door to let him out, he dashed out, down the stairs n to the front yard. Pee n Poo then straight back in to the kitchen. hahahahahahaha.... still i am amazed at his patience n understanding. I dun usually sleep with Tomy but I let him sleep in my room when I m back at home for 1 or 2 nights. Poor him but, as I wake up at 8am at home, so he gets breakfast late and goes poo poo at 9.

Actually I feel bad coz I dun get to nurse him much since I have been overseas all the time else the first month I bought him. i used to have to cuddle him in my arm for him to go to sleep like a little baby before putting him back to his bed after he fall asleep. I think I'll be going back to visit dad n mum more often this year.

hey... I am talking about me not being able to sleep why am i talking about my dog????? T_T


My dog, Tommy was so fat... WAS..


for those who missed my last blog entry, this is Tomy

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  19 comments  0 shares
Photo 37580
I want your dog's life heh.
almost 17 years ago
Yungyungyu 9f image
GOD IT IS 9am already
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
go to bed!
almost 17 years ago
Warren Zevon once said "I'm not tired, I'll sleep when I'm dead." Of course, that doesn't apply to you, because of the movie. You'd be well-rested! Dogs love unchanging schedules, and they benefit from them. Tommy might need to be checked for worms, if he's doing the hind-end-drag. The smaller the dog, the greater the odds it is 'spoiled.' You've never heard the phrase "spoiled Newfoundland," have you? I think that theory applies to humans too ;P Get some rest.
almost 17 years ago
Yungyungyu 9f image
he does that since a puppy though n considering he goes to vet every 3 months... i doubt he has worms... he should be healthier than me T_T
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
still awake! i just got back from the gym, about to go to work.
almost 17 years ago


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