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Yung Yung Yu
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First Cantonese Script

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主題歌曲:《死了都要愛》--林志炫 和《香水》--何潤東


almost 14 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares
Photo 505164
almost 14 years ago
Yungyungyu 9f image
u understand?
almost 14 years ago
Photo 505164
Oh, strange.... I actually don't see anything below the title of the blog entry. I thought it was more of an announcement and I was just cheering you on. Hmmm... is it a link you put up or you literally pasted the characters of the script as the body of the blog entry?
almost 14 years ago
Yungyungyu 9f image
nope. it's a synopsis in chinese
almost 14 years ago
Photo 505164
Oh. I can't see it for some reason. :(
almost 14 years ago
Yungyungyu 9f image
《不好說的祕密》包括了兩母女之間的矛盾,男女朋友不和的問題及一個年輕女性面對愛情和社會對自己目光的掙扎。 阿力使她面對自己,他們之間的事也讓嬌利的母親明白自己對女兒的壓迫帶來的傷害。因為愛勇敢向前,因為慈悲放下恐懼,為了未來放下過去。 嬌利最終透過母親的包容,愛的堅持,未來的希望便找回了自己。 主題歌曲:《死了都要愛》--林志炫 和《香水》--何潤東
almost 14 years ago
Yungyungyu 9f image
hahahaha... yea
almost 14 years ago


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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, malay
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December 25, 2007