Official Artist
Yung Yung Yu
Actor , Producer , MC / Show Host
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Finally found a way

For almost 3 weeks starting from the first picture, I have been facing a dull, painful, boring and seemingly unending visits to the doctors. Anasthesia, painkillers, gastric pills, physios.... yet, all these felt so much less excruciating with all the support, messages, care that I received during the period. ^^ thank you so much to all AND friends who left me kind wishes. YOU HAVE MADE MY LIFE EASIER :)

Finally found a way to transfer pic from my phone + take pics of the X-RAYs.

I  thought it looks better than the 4hrs special effect make up? Yea... Natural looks always win hahahahahaha..... now u see why i felt i have an alien's hand? can't believe I went travelling, even bought groceries n cooked with it while even holding chopsticks kill me. the pain is unbearble when i used it to stir the food... OMG

Starting from nurses, Emergency Room practicing doctors, to the next day referred Bone Doctor, attending nurses all gave me one single preminial comment "YOU HAVE TREMENDOUS PAIN TOLERANCE. How could you stand that hand for 1 week? Doesn't it hurt?" hahahahahahahahahahaha :P Second comment "The force must have been really great if not your bone won't be broken let alone shattered. It's not that easy to break a bone!". My answer? "Could I BE suffering from osteoporosis?" the doctor and the nurses broke into laughters.... "Glad you still have a good sense of humor!" he said. T_T I was serious.

my friend said to me "Don't worry u have only bruised it!" yea... i have bruised it, broke it and completely shattered it. the angle is too bent, surgery is the only option unless I want my hand deformed. "the shattered area is too long, so the surgery scar will be long too!"so the doctor said. NOOOOOO.............

metal disk + ring.... ooooo i vomitted pancreas fluid.... dark like coke n thick.... n tasted ewwwwwwwwwwww

He told me not to be afraid of pain and gotta MOVE my pinky.


MUMMIFIED... when I was not feeling too much in pain, i'd dance the BACKSTREETBOYS "EVERYBODY" MV mummy dance. swollen... felt my skin bursting... my fingers look like those of old grannies suffering from arthritis. my arm was swollen too...

Right hand Vs Left hand... any difference????


22 April, 17 days after surgery. I still couldn't bend my pinky to hold a punch.... doctor said I have not been moving n training my hand that's y. My answer "IF i haven't been training, won't my bone be straight still? Can't you see that it is bent AGAIN now?". so the doctor suggested he'd do another operation when the bone is all healed to loosen up the joints n take out the disk. He still complains I am too scared of pain hence my pinky can't hold into a punch. I think I have been training it so hard that my bone is BENT Again now. AND HERE HE IS COMPLAINING I haven't been working it hard n that I have been scared of pain? T_______________T Stupid doctor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PS: the pictures here r too small, if u go to my album... u can see the new X-RAYS show that my bone is AGAIN bent.

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares
Photo 23329
OH MY GOD ! wish you get better soon ... sorry to say but ouch ! that looks bloody painful !!! hope you get better soon
almost 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
be strong!
almost 17 years ago


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