I am starting to count my days, my blessings, I dunno why all of a sudden I looked up for my old photographs, starting from the first months I arrive in HK. Are you interested to see? ^_^
October 2005
at the time, I could not speak cantonese, let alone read Chinese... so, I had with me some English articles as you can see. I just visited one of the modelling agencies in Hong Kong, whose manager later became a good friend of mine, Model Genesis. I had no idea I was at one of the most popular place in Hong Kong, LKF.
Unfinished self-portrait?
What I used to do when I am bored, stressed, or before exam.
17 March 2006 with my old colleages between photoshoots,
after working from 5AM to 10PM, finally last smile before I dashed home. 17 march 2006
my first encounter on media... well... no coverage on the newbies... OFCOZ but was fun. 21 march 2006
Posing as a doll model for Xenter Jut salon 03 May 2006
03 May 2006
after I took off make up.
Cold Play Concert 14 July 2006
What concert was this? Black Eyed Peas concert
15 July 2007
I was super skinny .... u can see... I LOOKED YUCKKKKK
Early August 2008 Wakeboarding
pretending to be sleeping... I took this pic myself. >.< wanna know what I look like when I sleep....
28 August 2008, my brother visited me first time in HK. Jesus, haven't met him since.... 2003?
PS: That's my bro's hand on me... :P
04 October 2006 My birthday in Sydney.
some serious praying... what did I wish for??
06 Nov 2006 Ong Ping
05 Nov 2006
My dog, Tommy was so fat... WAS..
yes....I have days where I feel I just looked ... YUCKSSSSS
18 Nov 2006
20 Nov 2006
January 2007 Disney Land... 2nd time
This picture shows u the little girl in me....
I was so excited to see my signature photographed on news paper I cut it down even though the news had totally NOTHING TO DO with me... how naive could I had been????
I just cut it out coz I've never seen an uglier looking fish.
16 March 2007 First time I met my close friend NAT KING. This is Jackie by the way at DMOP party.
My days teaching as private tutor, went to a home at Sham Shui Po, 13 April 2007. Worked to pay for my tuition for acting classes... gotta work to learn acting.... I DO love acting.
NAT taught me to hike... So I started my hiking regime...
my favourite path... look like an enchanted forest... no?
There was time when I was addicted to Sweet Beancurd... had it EVERY SINGLE DAY till Dec2007 then I stopped. A good 8 months
What is going on? April 2007; T8
at the HK museum, HK STORY, visited here the 3rd time. Mid April 2007
Teaching spoken mandarin to a korean professor.
End of April 2007 oops... I hurt the bottom of my foot....took about 1 month to heal.. it still hurts now when I walk to fast.
Having lunch under a bridge before teaching a class at Fan Ling. God... so far how many classes have I taught? 10? maybe more... 20? starting from Primary 2 to Form6. Trust me... Primary 2 is the hardest. Their energy were explosive... GOD.. when they saw me coming into the class they'd just run and crash onto me, jumping, and all...... GOD.... hahahaha
My English class students in Fan Ling 21May 2007
trust me... I wished they were obidient like this during class... hahahaha but.. NO.
honestly saying... I dun think I look much different from them.... or do I?
hahahahahah ahe just make u laugh doesn't he? But... of coz I didn't laugh when I looked at him... I TRIED SO VERY VERY HARD to encourage him... he is just so shy and "..........." was always his answer when you ask him anything.....
One of the most hard working student IN this class.
Ssupposedly the 2nd top student.
He is so cooperative. though his friends make fun of him...
I still dun think I look older than him....
HKWCC, my favourite students. 26 May 2007
I love kids... hahaha look at them.. they are soooo happy
Not my student... no idea why she wanted to take pic with me either....
geez... tall...
yes this is after class... my class ain't look like this... no cards for sure.
they are super happy right???
2ndclass... morning class10.30AM
Jenny Lai... ? or Jenny Lau?? hahaha... :P
Jenny L.... I think... she is Jenny Lai.... wait.. Lau... er....
Daisy Tam...
I can't do this hand gesture anymore now... since I broke my bone...
Terry, he loves basketball and rapping... he'd go like DO YOU KNOW EMINEM??? cute~
they are not gay... i dun think they know what gay means yet.....
Jackie,... he just can't shut up....
Benedict... one of the first to make out in class.. with... Daisy Tam.
Daisy Tam and Terry
Lolan stop making fun of ur teacher.....
around kids... u just never get tired of laughing....
or making faces??
Lolan.... trying to make me a cow????
school time... when u are not afraid to make real friends.... where u really bond... without prejudice or suspicion... how lovely are these friendships??
getting mollested??
monalisa pose they call it... what the?????
and this the elephant pose....
super happy that day
wasn't I sweating hard???
who took this pic? individual oral exam....
she is just...... AN ENERGY BOMBSHELL! GOD... her voice will break your ear...but she's cute
Morning class 8.30AM
my usual self.
June 2007.
Before shooting In Love With The Dead, I came to pray here almost every single day. I came in between shooting days too. Was very sick at the time from some weird lymphe node secretion problem. No idea.. still a mystery till now.
this pic is here coz I like it hahahhahahahahahahaha
this too
5 July 2007
Come with me on a journey of self discovery! Wanna know a hamster who talks with an attitude? Meet one on Xuxu's site: http://www.alivenotdead.com/Y3XuXu