OK, I am just browsing around the net when I suddenly am reminded of a question someone asked me on facebook of my favourite colour. So, I went and find out more about colours and how colours are related to us. I found a very interesting article. So, Here it goes:
-- including Mr. Right! To learn more about how your favorite color affects your life and what that means for your relationships, try this quick test.
Step 1: Select Your Favorite Color
Simply look at the colors below and pick the one that you prefer to view (not necessarily the color you use in dressing or decorating).
Step 2: Get Your Results
Now that you've chosen the color that you prefer to look at, check out the corresponding description below to find out what this says about your love style -- and the way that you relate to your version of Mr. Right.
When you first meet a man, your practical and nurturing ways encourage him to talk about his life right away. You make Mr. Right feel comfortable. He feels that you fully support him.
It's easy for you to see exactly what's important to a man from the start. Trust your instincts, along with your keen listening skills, because they help you understand what a man wants from a relationship.
Intelligence in the other sex is a real turn-on for you. It entices your curiosity.
In the end, you marry or commit for security. This might mean having a home with children, lots of money or a relationship in which you feel cared for. Your permanent Mr. Right will be a stabilizing personality in your life. "Greens" marry the stable guys!
One word of warning: You are open to the world and appear innocent, and these qualities can make it difficult for you to find your true Mr. Right. Some men misinterpret you altogether and later may be shocked or disappointed when the real you isn't what they expected.
When you first meet a man, you're attracted to his energy. But in truth, you are probably best matched with a guy who calms you down and makes you comfortable with yourself.
Your sense of drama wins men over, and your enthusiasm can make men feel empowered. They feel their lives are more exciting with you, and that possibilities are infinite.
You're loyal. Relationships are serious business to you.
Your decision to get married, assuming he has passed all the basic criteria, is largely based on physical appearances. "Purples" marry the good-looking guys!
One word of warning: Give a possible Mr. Right a chance. Don't assume things about him. Judge him on his behavior, not how he compares to your ideal.
Your charismatic, lovable and affectionate nature wins men over. Touching gives you the ability to see the truth in situations and relationships. It's your way of letting others know you're listening and that you care about them.
You are lured into relationships by the way men look. Your decision to get married, however, is based on intellect.
You dedicate yourself to a man who's smart, and usually marry for life. You build relationships with a guy who can teach you things. "Oranges" marry the smart guys!
One word of warning: When first meeting a guy, you hide the sensitive side of yourself. Your clever defenses are all he sees. He may be mistaken about your true personality if you aren't willing to open up over time.
Come with me on a journey of self discovery! Wanna know a hamster who talks with an attitude? Meet one on Xuxu's site: http://www.alivenotdead.com/Y3XuXu