Official Artist
Yung Yung Yu
Actor , Producer , MC / Show Host
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SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Xu Xu fell off my lap.... in case of human's measurement it'd be the same as me falling off the 10th floor. Xu Xu fell on his back, shook a little and stayed for 10 seconds. I never knew counting for 10 seconds could be that long.... My God... sweat was dripping off my chin, I knelt there in terror looking at Xu Xu, too scared to touch him or lift him up just in case he hurt himself somewhere.... calling the ambulance, finding an emergency vet crossed my mind... loosing Xu Xu crossed my mind... how could I deal with losing this small friend? can't believe how many things crossed my mind in 10 seconds.... (Xu Xu got small short teeth... finally I get a glimsp)

After 10 seconds he turned around, and just sat there... I lift him up and check his back briefly. He poopped too! Must be too painful. He got so scared of height, he literally hugged my fingers. I put him on the chair and looked at him n he just laid there on his tummy.

After a few minutes I put him back to his cage, he went to the corner n just sat quietly. Geez..... he looked depressed. So, I picked him up and put him on the wheel... but he crawled back down and back to the corner and sat down again and just stared at the cage floor.... I was worried so I did this for 3 times and all 3 times he crawled back down and sat on his butt at the corner. can't deny though, his "depressed" look is sooooooooooooooo funny, I started taking pics of him, I even opened the cage and put the camera in front of him. Usually Xu Xu would jump on his feet and start sniffing the camera etc.. but that night he just sat there again "on his butt" and didn't give a damn what I am doing. This worries me but at the same time makes me laugh... Xu Xu is so cute. The next morning I saw him grinding his cage and happy as usual... so I am less worried but I have been keeping an eye on him the last few days. Just to make sure he is OK.

Yesterday I told my make up artist what happened. She gave me this illustration. She told me when she falls down, the people around her will be so concerned that they would grab her immidiately and try to rub her wounds. However, she usually says "等等!先别碰我!你让我自己来!好痛!让我慢慢自己起来!" hahahaha!!!!!! maybe that is what Xu Xu is thinking.... when he laid on his back for 10 seconds.

and on his "sat at the corner" scenario, she said "发呆! 痛到设么都做不了!你让我静静!" I  almost laughed my lungs out.... sooooo funny!

Xu Xu is ok now... a happy hamster once again! BUT my heart almost stopped....

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares


Come with me on a journey of self discovery! Wanna know a hamster who talks with an attitude? Meet one on Xuxu's site: http://www.alivenotdead.com/Y3XuXu

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, malay
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
December 25, 2007