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Yung Yung Yu
Actor , Producer , MC / Show Host
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A poem

I started writing poetry since elementary, haven't written for  a long time. I figured out that I write best either at my saddest, down-depressed moments or at my happiest times... mostly sad moments, being melanchollic like usual... :P some says melanchollics are the most romantic people, I can see why. Anyway, I just wrote one last night in the midst of the stormy rain.

Hope you guys like it... It's called For a moment with you.



For A Moment With You

I have come to love you so much prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /

So much that I act as such

So much that I have lost all of confidence and trust

So much I can’t find any security entrust


God… O God help me

Help me to not destroy me

Help me to stop this blasphemy

Help me to not create further catastrophe


When love has turned into possession

And I turn away to the disposition

And passion turned into obsession

And nothing else matters more than stupid recognition


I never thought I will once again find myself

Looking very much at stealth

I never dreamed I can once again see myself

Pushing so hard to be in dwellth


What has all these long hours and days brought me into?

Has it made me a person very much domineering too?

As every second only to be cast onto….

Onto you


People call me a spoilt child…

Or am I in fact a neglected child?

While your kisses so tender and mild

I am on the other hand the one who has gone wild


Wild at heart

Yet broken in spirit

Wild in dreams

Yet shattered to bits


No….Not pain I want

Nor strain I intend to cover you in

But why am I so blunt

In it too am I drownin’


Who am I sorry to…

Mistakes after mistakes

As I gaze at you

Guilt builds up like layered cakes


Anger and frustration

No... it is not deceit I meant

Pressure and depression

No... it is not breeze from hell I sent


Loving you

Desiring you

Thirsting over you

Dying because of you


If it is love…

May it be my bread loaf?

If you are the one I am designed, destined to love…

May I just wipe off all of the above?








over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Very nice!
over 16 years ago


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December 25, 2007