Official Artist
Yung Yung Yu
Actor , Producer , MC / Show Host
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7 Weeks in Indonesia

2010 started with a lot of new sour and sweet experiences. Reason I said sour and sweet and not "sweet and sour" was because this year did start with lots of sour experiences but thank God, it's time to dig in on the sweet stuffs.  2010年前半年發生了許多“酸甜”事件。我稱為酸甜是因為卻實發生了許多不太如意的事。 止於是那些事,談起也沒甚麼意思。 不如談談些開心事吧。托神的福,剩下的下半年該是開心的時候了。While it was supposed to be a 3 weeks vacation home, it lasted to 7 weeks. Starting from postponing for 2 weeks due to my dog, Tommy, getting sick to my admission to hospital for 5 days barely 14 hours before my flight back to Hong Kong due to paratyphoid. 本來這次探家人只是三個星期的時間。可是途中我的POMERIAN狗狗,TOMMY病倒了,延期了兩個星期回來。之後十四小時登機前,又因為急性腸炎進院了, 還住了五天的醫院。哈哈I just looked at my pictures and videos now that I need to upload them. Jesus, alright I agree! I do look U-G-L-Y with short hair.  TT我才剛剛有空看照片和短片。 喔!!! 好醜!好吧, 我承認我短頭髮也真夠醜!!! T_TAlright, this is my first video in Jakarta. 這個是我回到印泥拍的第一斷短片。Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOBmnEL43QYThen here comes my brother's son, Ayden (Chinese x Korean).這下來是我哥哥的兒子,俞俊。(華人配韓國人)Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-j6Q0LNwtMsomething went wrong with FINAL CUT AGAIN!!!! ok.... it's 2 am now. I'll go to bed and try to fix it tomorrow. PS: I AM VERY HAPPY NOW! hahaOK! Now. 2nd part, yey!!Some pictures:My dad is 82 years old. 我的父親今年八十二歲了。BALI first day:Bali 2nd Day:3rd Day:I hope you will like this BALI video. 希望朋友們會喜歡我們在巴里島拍的短片。Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQ3G48NeN0gThis is TOMMY my lovely lovely dog, he's 8 this year. 這是我的親愛的小狗狗,今年八歲了。The following are some things from my childhood. 可能很多人对我的童年会很感興趣。這些都是我小時候的回憶。This is the road leading to my old home... eerie right?這個是往我的舊家區的路Best therapy when sick (in Indonesia). See, I got fish bones.印尼的刮痧。你看吧!我是有魚骨頭的。

over 14 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares
Yungyungyu 9f image
thx Jay!
over 14 years ago
Photo 74817
Good to hear from you... ;) Does it mean that you'll let your hair grow back??? OH YEAAAAAAAAAH!!! :D
over 14 years ago
Palwong 45 palwong
over 14 years ago
haha ... so cute !
over 14 years ago
oh ... MG !!!
over 14 years ago


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english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese, malay
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Member Since
December 25, 2007