一个阳光明媚的周末,我和我的一个美国的好哥哥去了北京的798艺术园。(他也在我们的网站上,而且他是个专业的摄影师,从事摄影工作已经有20多年了哦!)说实话,来了北京这么久了,这还是我第一次去798早就听朋友说过那里,知道去了以后才发现,那里果然是个外景拍摄的天堂,也是北京艺术工作者的“老窝”!充满了浓厚的艺术氛围,我很喜欢那里!喜欢艺术的朋友,如果你有时间来北京,请一定到那去!这次去798, 克里斯做了我的导游,呵呵!他说:“吴迪,亏你也住在北京,我来北京了,还让我给你当导游。呵呵...”)确实啊!我们平时的训练实在太忙了,真没有什么时间去北京的各个景点游览。希望我退役以后能够真正的享受一下北京城的魅力!
这里就是我们在北京798艺术园拍摄一些新的外景照片,我们拍了,好多照片。我挑了一些我喜欢的放在我的博客里,他也挑了一些他喜欢的放在了他的博客里(没有修改过的)。在这里我想感谢好哥哥: 克雷斯 雷,谢谢你帮我拍了这么多的照片,让自恋的Adi又得到了自尊心的满足,哈哈!!! 行了废话少说,还是看照片吧!希望大家能够喜欢...
Its a beautiful afternoon, me and my good friend Chris Lay(a professional photographer on alive not dead) went to the 798 park of art. To tell the truth ive been in Beijing for 7 years but ive never been to this place. When I got there i felt that it was an ideal location for outdoor photography, as well as an artists paradise. i realy liked that place a lot, if any of you are art admirers you should visit this place in beijing. chris sarcasticaly commented how he's only been in beijing for a short while, but he's showing me all the good locations. he had a good point, because ive always been so busy with training and competitions that ive never really seen all of beijing. so hopefully i can take some time off from practice and do some sight seeing and enjoy beijing.
so here are the pictures i got from 798 park of art. we got so many pictures, and he chose the pictures that he liked and put them up on his blog, here are the ones that i also like. i realy would like to extend my gratitude to chris lay for taking these pictures for me. i hope that you will enjoy them as well. thanks!!!
请告诉我你最喜欢哪一张。Please tell me which one is your favorite !!!
Thank you so much Chris !!! 谢谢你 克里斯!!!
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/invincibleadi 工作邮箱E-mail:invinciblespear@gmail.com