今晚在尖沙咀金馬倫道為電影 " 我老婆係賭聖 " 拍攝外景 ..
星期四晚的尖沙咀 , 人多車多 ..
拍攝途中更遇上記者朋友呀 !!
可愛的助手 wingyin + 服裝姐姐馬上拿浴巾包著我下身 ..
因為我穿的裙太短了 ..
雖然我已穿著了打底褲 , 但避免拍下不雅的走光照 ..
等候時還是被著吧 !!
很快我就收工了 , 臨走前還去了對面的惠康超市買點東西回家啊 !!
was filming on location at Cameron Rd. in Tsimshatsui for the movie "My Wife is a Gambling Saint".
There's alot of people and cars around Tsimshatsui on Thursday nights...
We also stumbled across members of the press while we were shooting the film.
My wonderful assistant, Wing-Yin and the costume designer immediately covered the lower half of my body with a towel because my dress was too short.
Although I have already worn underwear, they had to prevent any revealing photos being taken...
I was still covered while I was waiting!!!
Work was finished very soon. Before I left, I even went across the street to shop for a few things at the Wellcome Supermarket!!