Official Artist
Winnie Leung
Actor , Model
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Taipei Day 1|Taipei Day 1|Taipei Day 1

Just came back from Taipei...

In fact, this is my first time stepping foot in Taiwan...

A trip for 4 days, and 3 nights...

I really haven't planned on where to go...

Although there is one spot that I'd really like to check out.....  LS Workshop!!




We haven't been in touch for a while.

I'd say it's been about 3 years since we've last met.

The only way for me to read up about her latest endeavours is through her blog...

I found the address to her store so I decided to test my luck on this trip...

...in search of her...

This little girl in my eyes....has grown up...and has matured...

As she left the showbiz behind, she decided to concentrate on her career in designing and on her cafe...

It makes me happy to see what you've accomplished today...

I wish you many happiness and success!!

I know there's alot of things we haven't been able to discuss.

This short gathering is, indeed, very brief...

Perhaps...we can continue our discussions upon your return to Hong Kong or my next trip to Taiwan!! 

Miss U ..

Mandy !!!! | 剛從台北回來 ..

這是我第一次到台灣 ..

4曰3晚的旅程 ..

真的沒計劃過去那裏 ..

只得一個地方 .. 我真的想去 ....... LS Workshop !!




已失聯絡的她 ..

大概也有三年沒見了 ..

只能從她的博客得知她的生活近況 ..

找到她店的地址 .. 今趟決定碰一碰運氣 ..

去找她 ..

眼前的小女孩 .. 長大了 .. 成熟了 ..

離開娛樂圈的日子 .. 踏實地為自己的設計事業及Cafe 拼博 ..

看到今天的你 .. 也替你高興 ..

祝願你快樂 , 成功 !!


我知我們彼此間還有很多未談的話題 ..


短短一聚確是太少了 ..


或許 .. 下次你回港或我再來台灣再續吧 !!


Miss U ..

Mandy !!!!| 刚从台北回来 ..

这是我第一次到台湾 ..

4曰3晚的旅程 ..

真的没计划过去那里 ..

只得一个地方 .. 我真的想去 ....... LS Workshop !!      

已失联络的她 ..

大概也有三年没见了 ..

只能从她的博客得知她的生活近况 ..

找到她店的地址 .. 今趟决定碰一碰运气 ..

去找她 ..

眼前的小女孩 .. 长大了 .. 成熟了 ..

离开娱乐圈的日子 .. 踏实地为自己的设计事业及Cafe 拼博 ..

看到今天的你 .. 也替你高兴 ..

祝愿你快乐 , 成功 !!   我知我们彼此间还有很多未谈的话题 ..   短短一聚确是太少了 ..   或许 .. 下次你回港或我再来台湾再续吧 !!  

Miss U .. Mandy !!!!

over 15 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
have a good trip!
over 15 years ago
Dreamy : 她在台灣出了自家品牌的產品 .. T-shirt , 飾品等 .. 還當了室內設計師 !! 我也替她高興啊 !!
over 15 years ago
Etchy : yeah .. i hv a good trip .. 這是我第一次去台灣 !! 還有更多相要跟 AnD 分享 .. 等我明天再post吧 !! =)
over 15 years ago
tinlunlau : Yes .. is Mandy Chiang ..
over 15 years ago


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