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Taipei Day 1 Part 2

Day 1 of the Taipei trip...

I immediately came to look for Mandy after my arrival in Taiwan.  (refer to the previous blog for details)

Then I checked in the building where I made my reservations and will be staying in for the night.

It's an apartment that costs about $400 HKD per night...it's better than what I had imagined!!

The living room, bathrooms and kitchen are at the lower level.

The guestroom's on the upper level...

The Raohe Street Night Market...I can make it there in less than 5 minutes (within walking distance)...it's great!!!

With all these wonderful food in front of me, I simply couldn't resist!  

Me and my friend ordered vermicelli and rice noodles with ribs...

It's delicious~~

Of course, I didn't finish the entire bowl.  But that is only because I have an appointment with another friend.

We'll be having spicy hot-pot at 10 o'clock...

"Taihe Dian" at Taipei's Shun-Yee Road.

It's a well-known spicy hot-pot restaurant..

Yummy  Yummy ... haha ...

So after our dinners, where did we go next???

That will be continued in the next entry....................  


台北之旅的第一天 ..

抵台後 , 就馬上去了找 Mandy ( 前一篇日誌已提及過了 ) ..

之後我才去租住的商務公寓 check-in ..

大概四佰元港幣一晚的 apartment .. 比我想像中更好啊 !!

低層為客廳 , 浴室 , 廚房 ..

客房則設於上層 ..

離饒河街夜市 .. 步行也不需五分鐘 .. 太好了 !!

眼見美食當前 .. 真的忍不了口 .. 我和友人兩人也點了排骨粉絲及米粉 ..

好好味啊 ~~

我當然沒有把整碗吃完 ..  皆因 , 已約了其他朋友 , 十點鐘去吃麻辣火鍋呢..

台北市信義路四段 " 太和殿 "  ..

一間頗出名的麻辣火鍋店 ..

Yummy  Yummy ... haha ...

晚飯過後 .. 去了那裡 ...... ????

下篇再續 .................................



台北之旅的第一天 .. 抵台後 , 就马上去了找 Mandy ( 前一篇日志已提及过了 ) .. 之後我才去租住的商务公寓 check-in .. 大概四佰元港币一晚的 apartment .. 比我想像中更好啊 !! 低层为客厅 , 浴室 , 厨房 .. 客房则设於上层 .. 离饶河街夜市 .. 步行也不需五分钟 .. 太好了 !! 眼见美食当前 .. 真的忍不了口 .. 我和友人两人也点了排骨粉丝及米粉 .. 好好味啊 ~~ 我当然没有把整碗吃完 ..  皆因 , 已约了其他朋友 , 十点钟去吃麻辣火锅呢.. 台北市信义路四段 " 太和殿 "  .. 一间颇出名的麻辣火锅店 .. Yummy  Yummy ... haha ... 晚饭过後 .. 去了那里 ...... ???? 下篇再续 .................................    

15 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, luxurious!
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yummy is right.
15 年多 ago



Hong Kong
August 7, 2007